Update on Kairos 2018 Events
in Europe
Europe Conference: This is my Tribe
The legacy conference
brought together over 35 young professionals
from around Europe including friends from
across the continents who have been living
in Europe.
Together as one, we sought
the Lord, presented ourselves in
service to Him and one another and
left the weekend inspired, equipped
and embolded for mission in our
families, friendships and workplaces.
Inspired by the wisdom of PM Graham,
Andy Pettman, MT Jackson and John
Coyle we unpacked how to be a witness
in the workplace with integrity and
confidence. We embarked on a journey
of learning about apologetics, how to
live well as a witness to Christ and
how to step into new and strengthened
gifts from the Lord.
I believe we all sensed the powerful
movings of the Holy Spirit, uniting us
as disciples across our local
networks, inspiring and calling on one
another for the glory of God. Shoulder
to shoulder we encouraged and called
one another on in the battle and the
joy we live out on a daily basis. We
are not alone in this. The entire
weekend could be summed up in this
sentence, spoken by one of our own at
the weekend, "this is my tribe".

Laura Whinnery
Charis Community, Belfast
the Call
This was the first Legacy Conference I
went to but had heard great things
about the first one last year. The
initial thing that struck and inspired
me was how the whole weekend was run
by those of us who are working full
time jobs. From the practical, set up,
worship and other services it was
people who out of their busy schedules
decided there was a need for a place
for YPO people and they answered that
call. Throughout the weekend there was
such a sense that this is the root of
a great mission in our YPO areas and I
came away so encouraged by others and
by hearing how other YPOS were doing.
The scripture we were given at the
beginning of the weekend was Matthew
7: 7-8 “Ask and it will be given to
you; seek and you will find; knock and
the door will be opened to you”. This
scripture propelled us into our time
of worship together and the Lord
answered. I saw the Lord work in us;
freeing us, equipping us with gifts of
the Holy Spirit and answering prayer.
I really enjoyed building relationship
with these people throughout a chilled
weekend and I am very excited to see
what’s to come.

Ellen Mahony
Community of Nazareth - Dublin
is the Legacy Conference?
The Legacy Europe Conference is an
annual conference for people who are
at a stage of life beyond our
University Outreach groups (UCO). It
is based on the Legacy Conference that
has run in the North American region
for several years. We have many young
people in Europe at this stage of life
and Legacy provides an environment for
them to continue to be formed by and
hear from the Lord while also giving
space for networking and socialising
amongst like-minded peers.
The conference has run successfully
the last two years looking at themes
around mission and the Lord seems to
be encouraging us to look at and move
in that area in our own cities. This
has coincided with some new YPO groups
being started in our European region
and the Legacy conference will
hopefully continue to be a support for
these local groups and the work that
they are doing.
Kevin Coyle
Legacy Europe Conference Director
Community of the Risen Christ -
Legacy Europe Conference
was hosted and organised by
Community of the Risen Christ.
learn more about Kairos in Europe and
the Middle East visit their website
and Facebook page.