Spirit of
Christ Community
members in Jacksonville Florida strive daily
to be
radical disciples of Christ
Joe Difato
In 2006, I was invited to give a talk to a few
young professionals in Jacksonville, Florida –
some married, some single. I spoke on conversion
and new life. When the talk was over I asked if
they had any interest in a whole course on
spiritual conversion. They did. Six weeks later
the Jacksonville Prayer Meeting was born.
Now, 9 years later, the prayer meeting has
evolved into a young but still immature
community of about 70 adults and 20 children,
some primary school age, some teenagers. The
average age of the adults is around 35. We are
pleased to be an affiliate member community of
the Sword of the Spirit.
We live in various parts of Jacksonville, a
suburban city of some 840,000 people. Most of us
are within a half-hour’s drive of one another.
In our life together, we have a prayer meeting
each week, and meet in small groups twice a
We have six community-wide Saturday evening
Lord’s Day celebrations a year, and we invite
guests. These events have turned out to be a
great way to introduce people to our life,
welcoming Sunday in with prayer and a relaxed,
festive meal. All told, we’re usually 100
people. We hold the events at a recreation
center and begin at 2pm with swimming, volley
ball, ping pong, basketball, football, talking
and walking. Then at 6pm the actual Lord’s Day
opening begins with 30 minutes of prayer,
followed by a short personal sharing about how
someone has experienced the Lord, and then
dinner. We end at about 9pm. We also organize
six community-wide outreaches to the poor per
We are an ecumenical community which at present
includes Catholics, Baptists, and those from
non-denominational churches. Two people work
full time for the community.
The covenant (solemn agreement) we have made to
the Lord and one another has three primary areas
of emphasis, as we seek to be radical disciples
of Christ: 1.) To come into the presence of the
Lord each day, 2.) To live a life of honor, and
3.) To change our environment for the better.
This is how we practice being “a community of
disciples on mission,” the official description
of the whole Sword of the Spirit.
Recently we changed our name to “The Spirit of
Christ Community.” The name reflects our
two-fold emphasis: one, that our community would
treasure being baptized in the Holy Spirit as
God’s gift to our generation; and, two, that the
gifts of the Spirit – primarily prophecy,
healing, and evangelistic revelation gifts
(sometimes known as “words of knowledge”) –
would have a prominent place in the life of our
Our goal is to be an Acts 2:42 community (“and
they held steadfastly to the apostles’ teaching
and fellowship, to the breaking of the bread and
to the prayers”) – with corporate prayer, signs
and wonders, personal holiness and right
relationships, a heart for the poor, and desire
to evangelize. To help us meet this goal, we
have just recently established the “eight hour a
week” plan. Each covenant member has drawn up a
plan – with help from others – that has at least
30 minutes of personal prayer each day (roughly
4 of the 8 hours). The other 4 hours are spent
building the community in one way or another.
The plan helps keep everyone praying and closely
involved in mission.
We are humbled by the way the Lord is working
Difato is the senior coordinator of the Spirit
of Christ Community. He has been involved in
the communities movement for over forty years
and is founder of the Christian publishing
house, The Word Among Us. He and his wife
Felicia live in Jacksonville, Florida, USA.