2014 - Vol. 74.
It Together"
Leuven – a
University Christian Student Community on the Move
by Daniel “SPOK”
This past university semester was really filled with
a lot of zeal and initiative, ownership and love among the members
of the Pharos university student
community here in Leuven, Belgium. ‘Doing it together’was our motto this
past school term, and it worked well.
After the ceremony for Rembert and Gerlindes’ wedding
we gathered together for a Lord’s Day celebration and meal
The semester kicked off with the Kairos Weekend in London, which brought
student mission workers together from various university outreaches in
Europe. And we also joined in the wedding celebration of Rembert and Gerlinde,
two members of Pharos. Both events gave us a real boost at the beginning
of the semester.
Many students who attended the Kairos European Weekend, made decisions
to step out in faith, with courage, and boldness to allow God to work through
them in mission.
The first 5 weeks of term we ran our WWJD (What Would Jesus Do?) course,
a series on the basic message of the Gospel: ‘Who is God?’, ‘Who is Jesus?’,
‘Why did he die?’ and ‘How can we follow him?’
What made the course so special? We had absolutely
fantastic speakers with a wide range of backgrounds: a seminarian (S.
Bosch), a professor (J.F. Collet), a consultant (J. Geleyn), teachers (K.
Vandenberghe & M. Baumers) and some business people participating in
our weekend as well (L. Vanraes & T. Laureys). They brought a wide
range of experiences and insights, and a very unified message about our
Christian faith and mission as disciples of Christ. We sensed that
students were ready to take further step in serving and growing as community
of students.
Pharos BBQ event May 2014
Our common meals and the other activities (prayer & social times,
men’s & women’s events) made each evening unique and rich. Overall,
I think we really grew together as a group, gained some new insights and
were able to build a stronger foundation to open our hearts even more to
the Lord.
For example, Pharos sponsored an open evening discussion on ‘Buddhism
& Christianity.’ We invited a professor and a priest from the University
of Leuven to address the topic. We had some fruitful discussion about how
to dialogue between religions, while building on our own Christian foundation
as followers of Christ, or as Fr. Peter calls us the ‘Jesus Boys.’
We have had some great social times and fun together as well. But I
think the greatest blessing in Pharos has been our unity together as an
ecumenical group. I mean, can you be anymore heterogeneous as a group with
students coming from more than 10 different cultures and languages, Christians
from all kinds of church backgrounds, including Orthodox, Catholic, Evangelical
and Baptist, home church and some non-churchgoers and non-Christians mixed
in as well? But even with all this diversity, the Lord Jesus is what truly
unites in Pharos.
During our Pharos weekend retreat, we were all filled with the same
Spirit. I believe that Holy Spirit is truly helping us to welcome the resurrected
Christ into our midst and continue growing together as a group. And I am
convinced that the Lord has much more for us in the future as well. Praise
the Lord. I love Pharos and I love that we are all different, but still
one in Christ. Amen!
Spokoinyi is Mission Leader for Pharos
and a Master student in Work and Organisational Psychology at the University
of Leuven, Belgium
Also see > What
Pharos has done for me, by Maarten Baumers and Georgie Burrows
If you would to see more of what Pharos has done
this year, check out our slideshow.
is also looking for people to study abroad in Leuven and join us for our
mission. Here is a video
telling you more about it > Study
Abroad and Serve