of Full Membership with Sword of the Spirit
On Saturday evening during the general assembly, four senior coordinators,
on behalf of their respective communities, signed the covenant of full
membership with the Sword of the Spirit along with Jean Barbara, President
of the Sword of the Spirit.

Jim Kolar, senior coordinator
of Christ the Redeemer Community in St. Paul, Minnesota (2nd right)

The coordinators of La Nueva
Jerusalen, from Miami, Florida, witness the signing of the covenant
of full membership with the Sword of the Spirit

Brendan Lynch, senior coordinator
of Nazareth Community in Dublin (2nd right)

Romeo Fernando, senior coordinator
of Jesus the Good Shepherd Community in Vasai, India (2nd right)

The coordinators of Jesús
es el Señor, from Quito, Ecuador, witness the signing of the covenant
of full membership with the Sword of the Spirit
Words from the Lord
During the Sunday evening prayer session a number of prophetic words
were given to the assembly of coordinators.
A couple of prophetic words described the image of a gathering storm
in a time of spiritual conflict and turmoil.
“The clouds are darkening. The darkness will come quicker
than we can imagine. Be urgent to prepare people for the time of increasing
darkness. Do not put off what I have told you to do.”
“What’s coming is coming sooner. It will be a fiercer spiritual battle.
We don’t have time to wait around. The Lord wants his people to fight this
spiritual battle now. The Lord will pour out spiritual gifts and power
as we engage in mission and fight for him.”
The Lord promised to give “streams of living water” (John 7:37-39) and
a fresh infilling of the Holy Spirit to those who seek him (Ephesians 5:18).
One prophetic word was addressed to the younger men of the Sword of
the Spirit:
“The Lord says, ‘my young men, my Timothys, love wisdom. I
intend to give you wisdom. Apply yourself to wisdom, and I will give you
Concluding Remarks
At the conclusion of the four days of meetings, Jean Barbara gave three
exhortations to the coordinators.
Jean said, “The ‘open door’ prophecy is an invitation to go through
an open door for personal holiness… Tonight, we received a prophecy that
is very relevant in that regard: I have imparted to you a great deal through
your encounters with your brothers, I have imparted to you through the
teachings, I have shepherded you directly. I have changed you as individuals
and as a group of men. I don’t want you to go back to business as usual,
but to carve out time in the days and weeks ahead to reflect on what I
have said to you and done for you. Take time, carve out time so that what
I have done for you will have its effects. It is important to me that you
do this.
Jean remarked that the “open door” prophecy also has to do with mission
and working with young people. He said it is more than an invitation, rather,
it is a command for all the regions and communities of the Sword of the
Spirit to move forward courageously and take new territory for the Lord.
Jean concluded with a prophetic word given during the evening assembly:
“I have built you for more. In the midst of your trials and difficulties,
cry out to me and remember that I have built you for more. I will spread
and grow this work. Remind me, ‘You have built me for more’.”
“Thirdly,” Jean said, “this International Coordinators Metting (ICM)
was not simply a personal retreat, or a time to talk about our mission
and Kairos, or simply a time for prayer meetings and personal sharings,
no matter how good they were. This was a solemn assembly of the coordinators
of the Sword of the Spirit. It was important that you were here and I am
sorry that some were not able to attend (I believe for good reasons). As
of today please make a note of May 2016 in your personal and community
calendars for the 4th ICM and make every effort that your coordinators
and main Kairos leaders attend. May the Lord bless us and grant us the
grace and wisdom and power to go back home and lead our brothers and sisters
to be saints, missionaries and martyrs!”
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all photos by (c) Nico
Angleys 2012