July/August 2012 - Vol. 61

mixed media, 72" X 36"
of Violence
art work by Yvette Rock
Artist Statement
As an artist, I have worked
in a variety of media, including: mixed media, photography, painting, drawing,
and collage. I use art to tell the story of universal human experiences
such as life, death, love, anger, compassion, violence, and hope. For the
past nine years I have been working on a three-part mixed media series
on paper and wood dealing with plagues from ancient times to plagues found
in my own lifetime. My recent work, Ten Plagues of Detroit™, deals
specifically with the atrocities and afflictions found in Detroit – past
and present. Some of the afflictions I am basing my mixed media pieces
on are: “Plague of Violence”, “Plague of Arson and Fire,” and “Plague of
Addiction and Poverty.” As an artist, I want to reflect the reality of
Detroit’s condition back to its citizens and sojourners as a way to show
its devastating realities, but also as a way to stir up hope and change.
In spite of urban blight and blare, I see those in the city whose very
lives claim that Detroit is “rising from the ashes.” I plan on capturing
these gestures of restoration in the third part of the mixed media series
– Redemption of the Plagues. |

of Violence (detail)

of Violence (detail)
Yvette Rock received a Bachelor of Fine Arts from Cooper Union for the
Advancement of Science and Art in New York City and a Master of Fine Arts
in painting from the University of Michigan in Ann Arbor. Between 1999-2004
she served as Artist-in-Residence for the Detroit-based non-profit organization
InsideOut Literary Arts Project, teaching art classes to Detroit Public
School children.
Rock has also been involved in several community-based mural projects.
Some sites include: Neighborhood Service Organization, Qualicare Nursing
Home, Ann Arbor Academy, and Neutral Zone. From 2001-2002 Rock served as
Adjunct Assistant Professor at UM School of Art & Design, creating
and co-teaching “Detroit Connections”. In 2003 she founded an after-school
program called Bezalel Project, a ministry of YouthWorks-Detroit.The program
engages Detroit children from grades 2-8 in academic, arts and leadership
Rock has recently exhibited her piece, “Magalys” in the Detroit Artists
Market’s juried Biannual Exhibition and her photographs of flora and landscapes
will be on exhibit at Oakwood Hospital in Dearborn, Michigan from June
25-Septemer 21, 2012. Her upcoming solo show opening November 4, 2012 at
Michigan Women’s Center and Hall of Fame, “Tenuous Equilibrium,” will feature
over twenty photographs of Detroit’s people and spaces.
Rock is also the owner and founder of future Detroit art museum, Live Coal
Gallery. Live Coal Gallery fosters a passion for art, community, and learning
by connecting aspiring, emerging, and established artists. Visit www.livecoalgallery.com
for more information about the museum.

Yvette and Joshua with their
children - photo by Melanie
Rock currently resides in the inner city of Detroit, Michigan with her
husband Joshua and their four children. They are members of Word of Life
community and Detroit Community Outreach. Joshua is the Director for Youth-Works
Detroit, an inner city youth outreach of the Sword of the Spirit.
see more of Yvette's art work, visit her website: http://www.yvetterock.com/ |
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