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Jeanne Kun

Discipleship: “Take Up Your Cross and Follow Me
Jesus' Crucifixion: “It is finished” 
The Triumph of the Cross: “The Lord has risen indeed
Contemplating Christ's Passion
Freedom from Sin and Death: “A New Creation” 
The Healing of the Ten Suffering from Leprosy: “Jesus, Master, Have Mercy!” 
The Rich Fool: “You Can’t Take It with You” 
The Outrageous Generosity of God: Parable of the laborers in the vineyard
The House of David: A Scriptural Reflection 

Discovering the Treasures in Jesus' Parables
The Treasure and the Pearl - Joyfully discovering the kingdom
Bible Study on Thanksgiving: Some pointers on how to do a topical Bible study
Practical Pointer for Scripture Study: Listening for Jesus'Tone of Voice
Savoring God's Word: being nourished by God's word
Rooted in God's Word:One of the most effective ways we can be rooted in Christ
Home: Our Abiding Place
Topical Bible Study
Bringing the Gospels to Life: a way of Christian Meditation

The Blood of Christians Is Seed
United in Love, the Trappist martyrs of Algeria
Witnesses in the Jungle: Jim Elliot, Nate Saint, and Fellow Missionaries
Apostle of the Lepers: The life of Father Damien de Veuster of Molokai
Blessed by the Cross: The Heroic Life of Edith Stein

"You shall call his name Jesus
Jesus: a portrait of humility
The Good News of the Kingdom
Jesus: A Portrait of Redeeming Love
The Stilling of the Storm at Sea: Lord of the Wind and Waves
Hosanna to the Son of David! and Jesus: A Portrait of Zeal
The Agony in the Garden: Love's Surrender
Jesus: A Portrait of Obedience
Thomas meets the Risen Christ
Exiled from Eden
Mary of Bethany
Mary Magdalene:A portrait of love stronger than death
Mary Magdalene: Witness to the Risen Lord
Simon Peter: transforming weakness into strength
Zacchaeus and His Unexpected Dinner Guest: what if Jesus came to dinner at your house?
Restored to Life: The Raising of the Widow's Son
The Woman With the Hemorrhage

Reform Your Lives: the message of John the Baptist, Forerunner of the Redeemer
Prepare the Way of the Lord: a meditative poem on Isaiah 40:3-4
Pilgrims, Travelers, and Citizens of Heaven
The Hope of Heaven
Awaiting the Messiah

Rooted Together in God's Word
Women Sent on Mission: Highlights of the International Women's Conference, May 3-7, 2009 

A Spiritual Journey of Poems for Lent: scriptural reflections
Awakened to Eternity: a spiritual journey of poems for Passiontide and Easter
Graven on the Palms of Your Hands
Anna's Heir: a poem of longing for the Lord's Return
Zacchaeus' Tall Tale: a poem 
Eternity's Bright Vision: poem and reflection on Jesus' transgifuration

The Exodus Trilogy: a theophany of God's saving presence with his people in the wilderness
The Art of Seeing: enhancing your spiritual vision – enriching your Christian faith


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