January 2012 - Vol. 56
Week of Prayer for Christian Unity • Day 3 • January 20, 2012

Ecce Homo,  by Michael O'Brien
Changed by the Suffering Servant


Isaiah 53:3-11 The man of sorrows accustomed to suffering
Psalms 22:12-24 He did not despise the affliction of the of the afflicted
1 Peter 2:21-25 Christ suffered for us
Luke 24:25-27 Did not the Messiah have to suffer these things?
The divine paradox is that God can change tragedy and disaster into victory. He transforms all our sufferings and misfortunes, and the enormity of history’s pain, into a resurrection that encompasses the whole world. While appearing to be defeated, he is nevertheless the true Victory whom no one and nothing can overcome.

Isaiah’s moving prophecy about the suffering Servant of the Lord was completely fulfilled in Christ. After suffering enormous agony, the Man of Sorrows shall see his offspring. We are that offspring, born from the Savior’s suffering. In this way we are made one family in him. One can say that Psalm 22 is not only about Jesus, but also for Jesus. The Savior himself prayed this psalm on the cross, when he used its desolate opening words: My God, my God, why have You forsaken me? Yet in the second part of the psalm the lamentation, the imploring full of pain, changes into praise of God for his works. 

The apostle Peter is a witness of the sufferings of Christ (1Peter 5:1), which he presents to us as an example: it is to this suffering for the sake of love we are called. Jesus did not curse God, but submitted to him who judges righteously. His wounds have healed us, and returned us all to the one Shepherd. Only in the light of the presence of the Lord and his word does the divine purpose of the Messiah’s sufferings become clear. 

Just as for the disciples on the way to Emmaus, Jesus is our constant companion on the stony road of life, stirring our hearts and opening our eyes to the mysterious plan of salvation. Christians experience suffering as a result of humanity’s fragile condition; we recognize this suffering in social injustice and situations of persecution. The power of the cross draws us into unity. Here we encounter Christ’s suffering as the source of compassion for and solidarity with the entire human family. As one contemporary theologian puts it, the closer we come to the cross of Christ, the closer we come to one another. The witness of Christians together in situations of suffering assumes remarkable credibility. In our shared solidarity with all who suffer we learn from the crucified suffering servant the lessons of self-emptying, letting go and self-sacrifice. These are the gifts we need from his Spirit on our way to unity in him.

God of consolation, you have transformed the shame of the cross into a sign of victory. Grant that we may be united around the Cross of your Son to worship him for the mercy offered through his suffering. May the Holy Spirit open our eyes and our hearts, so that we may help those who suffer to experience your closeness; You who live and reign forever and ever. Amen.

Family Reflection – Doing the right thing sometimes costs
Being a school kid is not always easy.  Imagine…one day you walk out onto the school play area in a break. There is a younger kid crying with a bunch of older children teasing him. You know the kid, he is two years younger than you, and he lives next to your house, and your family is friendly with his, but he is not a cool kid, and it does not surprise you that he is being teased. What do you do? You know that if you step in to help him, and get the other kids off his back, you may be teased by them. But you also know that you should help him, that is the right thing to do. Sometimes doing the right thing costs, and might even cause you some suffering. What would you do?

Intercession for our Ecumenical Call and Mission in the Sword of the Spirit 

Let us pray today for growth in the ecumenical composition of our communities. May God be gracious and bring men and women from many traditions in the Christian world to join with us in the Sword of the Spirit.

Daily Prayers for Christian Unity • January 18-25, 2012

• Introduction to the Week of Prayer for Christian Unity
• Day 1 Changed by the Servant Christ
• Day 2 Changed through patient waiting for the Lord
• Day 3 Changed by the Suffering Servant
• Day 4 Changed by the Lord’s victory over evil and prayer for Lord's Day Ceremony
• Day 5 Changed by the peace of the Risen Lord
• Day 6 Changed by God’s Steadfast Love
• Day 7 Changed by the Good Shepherd
• Day 8 United in the Reign of Christ

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email: living.bulwark@yahoo.com