January 2009 - Vol. 26

Girl with Flute, painting by Michael O'Brien

For His Glory

poem by Ana Teresa Perrem

Sometimes, like today, I feel my own littleness;
How small I am, how big the world, how great you are.
I look at what I do from day to day,
I'm struck by it's insignificance.

In this routine of life I find I'm lost,
So small, doing small things in this great world.
What hope have I to make a change, to leave a mark?
What hope to reach out, touch, the sick and poor?
What difference do I make with what I do?

But then  I remember, Lord, all that you do.
Your love for me, the Cross, your Spirit's work.
And the road you've set for me, in which I walk,
In which I stumble, once again, in your pursuit.

Let this be my offering, my worship to you.
With every breath, on every day, in all I do,
My Lord, this sacrifice, my life, small as it is,
I come and place it at your feet.

Please take this which I offer, all I bring
Transform it, Father, use it as you please.

Ana Teresa Perrem and her husband Dominic are members of Antioch Community in London, UK. 
(c) copyright 2009  The Sword of the Spirit
publishing address: Park Royal Business Centre, 9-17 Park Royal Road, Suite 108, London NW10 7LQ, United Kingdom
email: living.bulwark@yahoo.com