this issue
This issue
focuses on the merciful Father who
sends his only begotten Son who brings
us new life in the Holy Spirit so we
can walk in love and truth as his
adopted sons and daughters.
In the four Gospel
accounts of the life and ministry of
the Lord Jesus, we hear the eternal
Father who speaks audibly to his Son
and to all who have ears to listen to
his voice:
"This is my beloved Son with whom I am well pleased - listen to him"
(Mark 9:7, Luke 9:35, Matthew 3:17, John 12:28).
God the Father speaks to
us through his Son, the Lord Jesus
Christ. He is the
eternal Word of God who has come in
the flesh to become one with us in our
humanity and to redeem us from sin,
Satan, and death. Through the power of
his life-giving Word he comes to us
each and every day to strengthen
and renew us in faith, hope, and
Ask the Lord Jesus to open
your ears to hear his voice and to
give you understanding of his
steadfast love, mercy, and
forgiveness, through the transforming
power of the Holy Spirit.
"Morning by morning he wakens my ears to hear as those who are taught"May the Lord Jesus give us, individually and corporately, a disciple's ear that is eager to listen and to follow the Lord with expectant faith and trusting hope in his promises. And just as he did with his first disciples, may he graciously open the Scriptures for us and set our hearts on fire with the love of Christ (Luke 24:32; 44-45).
(Isaiah 50:4).
"His mercies never come to an end - they are new every morning"
(Lamentations of Jeremiah 3:22,23).