/ March 2015 - Vol. 78

Is Your
Life Christ-Centered or Self-Centered?
Wisdom for overcoming cultural traps
that make us miss the mark
by Bob Tedesco
the mark
The Greek word hamartia, which is frequently used
in Scripture and is translated “sin,” is a derivative of
the word hamartano which means “to miss the mark.”
In our efforts to live the Christian life we can get
caught in certain cultural traps that cause us to lose
focus and “miss the mark.”
The throne diagram, used in the Life in the Spirit
Seminars, illustrates the centrality of Christ in the life
of the Christian. The diagram is a cross placed on the
throne of a person’s heart. The throne is surrounded by
the types of things which can occupy one’s life, such as
education, family, career, pleasure, any number of which
could easily usurp the place of Christ on the throne. This
diagram is a way of examining and situating our life’s
Most of us have been formed by our secular culture to
give “conditioned responses.” Sometimes we don’t
recognize the underlying value sets, including pressure
from society, friends, and relatives, and the internal
orientations that condition us for a certain response.
We can be culturally driven, culturally responsive. We
can be deceived, claiming to be and actually desiring to
be Christ-centered, but find ourselves on a path that
goes far from the heart of God.
Many things get put in place in us by the culture
around us – for example, fear-based living. There is the
fear of rejection, fear of disease, fear of kidnapping
or terrorism, to name a few. Another is the need for
approval, which is connected to the fear of rejection.
We want approval from friends and relatives, preferring
not to be seen as abnormal. But if we live a
Christ-centered Christian life we just won’t look
Some of us are driven by a competitive spirit: a drive
to win. Or we can be influenced by the entitlement
mentality, believing we “deserve” certain things as
individuals and families. On a personal level we can be
oriented by greed, orderliness, perfectionism, pleasure,
fear, guilt, accomplishment, security, success,
“culture of self”
Many of us are familiar with the comparison, “the
culture of death and the culture of life.” I suggest
that the culture of death is really subordinate to and a
subset of the “culture of self.” We need to see that
we’re living in a culture of self whose orientation
embraces the culture of death. The kingdom of God, the
culture of Christ, embraces life.
There are other subsets, or “isms". Relativism,
narcissism – and hedonism in certain ways – all describe
this “culture of self" because they all put “me” at the
center of the universe. We can work on fighting all the
“isms” but if we don’t deal with the stuff inside of us
that tries to put us first, the “culture of self,” all
of our fighting is a waste of time. Our real war is in
dealing with “me” at the center rather than Christ. “I,”
“me,” and “mine” are not the approach of the Kingdom of
God. Christ and his kingdom have got to be at the
center. If I keep pulling myself into the center, it
pushes him out!
A personal conversion to Christ, spiritual growth and
formation, being baptized in the Holy Spirit, and
ongoing decisions are needed for Christ-centered living,
not just for individuals but for groupings as well. From
many years of pastoral work with individuals, couples,
and families in Christian community, I have learned that
it is possible for two Christ-centered people to enter
into marriage that itself is not Christ-centered
at its core. The same is true for families. It is
possible for Christ-centered parents to lead a family
lifestyle or culture that does not have Christ at the
Marriages need to be baptized in the Holy Spirit. Our
marriages and families need to be converted to Christ.
And once we decide to submit them to his lordship, we
need to find out how to do that. It requires education
and knowledge in order to avoid the secular cultural
drift. I am suggesting that not only individuals, but
marriages, family, and communities should have an
“examination of conscience” – taking a hard look
at our behavior, our practices, our priorities, our
decision-making as a group, as a marriage, as a family,
and as a community.
The congregation that started the WWJD (What would
Jesus do?) movement has been a bit misrepresented. The
actual approach was more like, “We will do what Jesus
would do.” WWDWJWD! That’s the approach we need to take.
“I will do” and “we will do” what Jesus would do. The
Lord wants Christ-centered individuals, Christ-centered
families, Christ-centered communities. And that’s going
to require taking some steps.
We Can Do
- Read Scripture a lot, even if you think you have it
memorized. It challenges the world’s input constantly.
Get the children to read and memorize it. Get them to
be able to answer questions from a Scriptural
perspective. In Scripture we should look for antidotes
to the world, the flesh, and the devil, but especially
the flesh. The world and Satan have less influence
over a person whose flesh is broken. Reading Scripture
is a genuine defense against the flesh.
- Insist on “everything that is lovely and good”
(Philippians 4:8). Think on these things.
- Do a heart check. If your heart is polluted or
poisoned, you will have trouble seeing and hearing
things that the Lord wants you to see or hear. If your
heart is not postured correctly, you won’t be able to
respond. If your marriage or family needs to be
consecrated or dedicated to the Lord, get a pastor or
a pastoral leader to lead a prayer for the family.
Communities could even have retreats dedicated to such
- Always suspect the “self” when you are making
decisions or desiring something. It’s worth
suspecting, asking ourselves, “Is this really from the
Lord and his will for me or is it fueled by something
down inside of me that is apart from what God wills?”
- Pray for protection - from ourselves being blind or
selfish, for our spouses, for our children, for our
community, that as a people we would not be selfish in
our orientation.
- Rekindle fear of the Lord. If you distort or
exclude any aspect of God’s nature, you get a
distorted view of who God is. An over-emphasis on
God’s mercy while under-emphasizing his justice will
lead to an unbalanced perspective. Sin has
consequences. We need to learn that and to teach it to
our children.
“If you live what I have taught you, you are my disciple
and you will know the truth and the truth will set you
free” (John 8:31). Let’s not forget the beginning of the
sentence. Jesus is saying, “Live in my Word, live what I
have taught you, then the truth will set you free.” It is
a promise of freedom and it’s worth celebrating. If we
live according to the Lord's plan, we will see the fruit
of the Christian life and the power of the Holy Spirit
Tedesco is past President of the North
American Region of the Sword of the Spirit. He
is a founder of the People of God
community in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, USA,
and has been one of its key leaders for the
past 40 years.
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