February / March 2015 - Vol. 78

Spiritual Reading for the Forty Days of Lent

The Fire of Christ’s Love and Why Did Jesus Die for Our Sins? by Raniero Cantalamessa
“Were you there when they crucified my Lord?” by Raniero Cantalamessa
The Beatitudes Are Inseparable from the Cross, by Archbishop Sheen

• Quest for Holiness, by William Sangster 
• Why Holiness Is Necessary, by J.I. Packer
Growing Downward to Grow Up: The Life of Repentance, by J.I. Packer
Surrender to God: An orientation to Lent, by John Henry Newman
Christ Calls Us Deeper Still by John Henry Newman

Salt and Light: Our Vocation to Holiness, by Donald Bloesch

A New Kind of Saint, by Donald Bloesch
With Christ in the School of Holiness by JI Packer
Purity of Heart Is to Will One Thing: quotes and meditation, by Soren Kierkegaard

Emptied for Our Sake, by Bernard of Clairvaux

The Cross - the One True Glorification of God, by Joseph Ratzinger/ Pope Benedict XVI
Worship at the Cross by Charles Simpson

The Cross of Christ - the Measure of the World, by John Henry Newman
The Seven Last Words of Jesus: paintings and reflections by John Dunne

Is Your Life Christ-Centered or Self-Centered, by Bob Tedesco
A Disciple's Yoke, by Bruce Yocum
Pursuing Holiness in an Unholy World, by Tom Caballes

Forgiveness and Reconciliation With One Another, by Carlos Mantica
The Readiness to Change, by Dietrich von Hildebrand
The Lavish Love of the Prodigal Father: reflection on the parable of the prodigal son, by Don Schwager 
With Jesus in the Wilderness for Forty Days, reflection by Don Schwager

The Danger of “I Would Never Do That,” by Sam Williamson
He Must Increase: Finding Our Identity in Jesus Christ, by Jan Munk
Focus for Fasting: Pursuing our higher calling to serve and worship Christ, by Jerry Munk
Manna and Mammon: A battlefield that shows our mettle, by Dan Propson

Articles by Steve Clark
The Redeemer – What God Wanted
The Great Downfall
The Redeemer Who Died
The Obedient Son: The humility of the Son of the King 
Christ's Humility and Victory
Dying to Defeat Death: The death of Jesus was a victory over death itself
Exalted Over All: The Victory of the Redeemer
New Life in Christ
Receiving Redemption: United with Christ we pass from death to new life

Articles by Jeanne Kun
Discipleship: “Take Up Your Cross and Follow Me

Jesus' Crucifixion: “It is finished” 
The Triumph of the Cross: “The Lord has risen indeed
Contemplating Christ's Passion
Freedom from Sin and Death: “A New Creation
Hosanna to the Son of David! and Jesus: A Portrait of Zeal
The Agony in the Garden: Love's Surrender
Jesus: A Portrait of Obedience
• Exiled from Eden
Mary of Bethany
Mary Magdalene:A portrait of love stronger than death

The Pharisee and Tax Collector: “Be Merciful to Me,” by Jean Kun

From the early church writers
A Mirror to see Inside Ourselves, by Gregory the Great 

The Mountain of Your Sins - Never too High, by Cyril of Jerusalem 
Why Does God Allow Temptation? by Maximus the Confessor 
Dead to Sin, by John Chrysostom (349-407 AD)
God Has Reigned from a Tree: meditations on the Cross of Jesus Christ
Fasting and Feasting: A selection of short readings for Lent from the early church fathers
Walking in the Light, by Gregory of Nyssa
The Ladder of Divine Ascent: spiritual wisdom from John Climacus, Abbot of Monastery, Sinai, Egypt


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email: living.bulwark@yahoo.com