Mission Year Experience in Leuven,
by Sara
The Kairos
Mission Year program is for young
people who have finished university and
want to serve the Lord in a Kairos
university outreach. The Mission Year
program is especially focused on
evangelism, service, and training through
active mission. For the year 2014-15, we
have three Mission Year missionaries
serving in the European region.
So here I am,
doing a Mission Year in Leuven, Belgium,
working with a university outreach
called Pharos.
I work with the mission team and
specifically lead the women’s side of
the outreach.
part of my mission is to lead a sharing
group with girls who are on the verge of
becoming Christians. An important part of
the work is becoming friends with these
girls. I listen to them and share about
life with the Lord, his love, and all the
wonders and challenges of the Christian
life. As part of the mission team, I
participate in Pharos’s general
organization and planning. We organize
evangelistic activities to attract more
people, and we plan other activities in
order to help our members grow in their
discipleship. In those things, we bring to
life Pharos’s mission and vision. I also
supervise the service of the volunteers,
helping them to see our vision and what
means to give and receive from Pharos.
am experiencing God’s grace in a very
clear way. God is using this time to teach
me to give him control, to trust in him,
and to be patient. He is talking to me
about finding my happiness in him alone,
thus being able to be joyful anywhere and
under any circumstance.
Fonseca is from San José, Costa Rica. On her Mission
Year she is serving as a Women's Mission
Leader for Pharos
University Outreach in Leuven, Belgium.