December 2018 / January 2019 - Vol. 101
three candles
                      and cross
. Some Spiritual Reading Resources for the Advent Season

Reflections and Meditations

Maranatha!” - Come, Lord Jesus!” by Don Schwager
O Antiphons of Advent and Praising the Names of Jesus, by Jeanne Kun
Weekly Advent Prayers and Advent wreath

The Day of the Lord Draws Near: Reflections on Upbuilding Love
To watch with Christ, by John Henry Newman
A threefold coming of the Lord, by Bernard of Clairvaux
The Two Comings of Christ: An Orthodox perspective by Thomas Hopko

Christians Have Lost Touch with Heaven! by Christoph Schonborn
The Eternal Spring-time Will Surely Come, by John Henry Newman
The Real Meaning of Christmas, by Steve Clark

Reply to the Skeptics Concerning the Lord’s Return, Commentary on 2 Peter 3:1-7, by Dr. Daniel Keating
Living in the Last Days: A Commentary on 1 Peter 4:7-11, by Dr. Daniel Keating
The Promise of the Lord’s Return, A Commentary on 2 Peter 3:8-16, by Dr. Daniel Keating
Seeking God More Earnestly: Advent Themes in the Letter of James, by Dr. Mark Whitters
We Will Be Judged by Our Fidelity to Christ, by Romano Guardini
Jesus the Coming Judge, by Tom Wright
What If This Present Were the World’s Last Night, by C.S. Lewis
Christians Have Lost Touch with Heaven, by Christoph Schonborn

The Wonderful Exchange, by Athanasius and Gregory Nazianzen
Waiting in Hope for Christ's Return, by Cyril of Jerusalem, Ephrem of Edessa, and Irenaeus of Lyons 
God Showers Us with Gifts, and God Will be Seen, by Irenaeus of Lyons (130-200) 
The Spirit Prepares Us to Receive the Son of God, by Irenaeus of Lyons (130-200) 
The Wonder of Christ, by Origen
The Great Little King, by Gregory of Nyssa
The Redeemer - What God Wanted, by Steve Clark

The People of Advent, Meditations for Advent written in prison by Alfred Delp
True Happiness: Prison Meditations, by Alfred Delp
Prisoners of Hope: Reflections for Advent, by Dave Quintana
Scripture Reflections on the House of David, by Jeanne Kun
David, Prototype of Jesus the Anointed Messiah, by Damasus Winzen, OSB
Jesus: A Portrait of Kingship, by Jeanne Kun 

The Eternal Springtime Will Come, by John Henry Newman
The Son of Man, by Fulton J. Sheen

The Only Person Ever Pre-Announced: Born to Die to Give Us Life, by Fulton J. Sheen
Let us not resist the first coming, and the second will not terrify us, by Augustine of Hippo (354-430 AD)
The Two Comings of Christ, by Thomas Hopko

When Heaven Explodes With Color: We await our blessed hope, by John Yocum
The Finality of Christ and Religious Pluralism, by Donald Bloesch 
The Advent Banquet: A Selection of Daily Reflections, by Dave Quintana
Aliens and Exiles? What can 1st century Christianity teach us about 21st century living? by Bruce Yocum
Homeward Bound: But Where Are We Headed? by James Munk 
Reading the Stars: Signs of Hope from the Creator of the cosmos, by David Mills

O Antiphons of Advent and Praising the Names of Jesus, by Jeanne Kun
Reform Your Lives: the message of John the Baptist, Forerunner of the Redeemer, by Jeanne Kun 
Prepare the Way of the Lord: a meditative poem on Isaiah 40:3-4, by Jean Kun 
Pilgrims, Travelers, and Citizens of Heaven, by Jeanne Kun
The Hope of Heaven, by Jeanne Kun
Awaiting the Messiah by Jeanne Kun, Ann Arbor, Michigan, USA
You Shall Call his Nama Jesus, by Jeanne Kun 

The voice is John, the word is Christ, by Augustine 
The Two-fold Coming of Jesus Christ, by Cyril of Jerusalem 
The Reason the Word of God became Man,by Irenaeus 
A Voice Crying in the Wilderness, by Eusebius of Caesarea 
God's Promises Are Held Out to Us by His Son, by Augustine

Links to other seasonal spiritual readings:

Spiritual Reading for Christmas and Epiphany Season
Spiritual Reading on the Cross of Jesus Christ

Spiritual Reading on the Resurrection of Christ and the Easter season
Spiritual Reading for Pentecost and the Gift of the Holy Spirit
Spiritual Reading for Advent Season
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