Christ in You - the Hope of Glory
Colossians 1:17
to This Issue
When the Apostle
Paul addressed the Christian
community at Colossae in Asia
Minor (present day Turkey), he
prayed that they would "be filled
with the knowledge of God's will in
all spiritual wisdom and
understanding, to lead a life worthy
of the Lord, fully pleasing to him,
bearing fruit in good
work and increasing in the
knowledge of God" (Col.1:9,10). He
went on to explain that it was
Christ Jesus who reconciled them
to God and broke the dividing wall
of hostility between Jews
and Gentiles in order to make
them one in
Today we witness a
new work of reconciliation,
healing, and the tearing down
of walls of hostility and
division between Christians
who have been divided for
centuries. The ecumenical
movement is a gift of God's
grace and a prophetic
summons for all
Christians to pray and
strive together for the
unity of Christ's
body here on earth.
God is
raising up ecumenical
communities of
Christians who come from
all the streams of
Christianity - Catholic,
Orthodox, Protestant,
Anglican, Pentecostal,
and Messianic Jews - to
be a prophetic sign and
witness to the work of
the Holy Spirit who
draws us to the
Father and his Son
Jesus Christ
who rules over
the heavens and the
earth as our Lord,
Savior, and King.
May this issue
encourage you to yield more fully to the grace
and work of the Holy Spirit who dwells within
us and who draws us daily to the throne of
grace and mercy. May we grow in the fruit of
the Spirit - love, joy, peace,unity, etc. - so
that we may witness the love, peace, and mercy
God desires for all Christians and all people
of goodwill.
Sincerely in Christ,
Don Schwager