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Christ In Us – The Hope of Glory Colossians 1:27
“For in him all the fullness of God was pleased to dwell, and through him to reconcile to himself all things, whether on earth or in heaven, making peace by the blood of his cross.”  Colossians 1:19-20

december 2018 box 1
Intro to This Issue: Christ The Hope of Glory
Why Ecumenism and Living Together in Unity Matters, by Bob Tedesco
Christian Community – A Reality Created by God, by Dietrich Bonhoeffer
An Exchange of Gifts, Dan Keating & Walking Together in the Spirit, Pope Francis, Justin Welby
Visible Sign of Unity Is Communitarian, by Cantalamessa, & Week of Prayer for Christian Unity
2018 December box 2
Christianity: Fundamental Teachings, by the Joint Commission of Churches in Turkey
The Return of the Lord Jesus, by Ralph Martin, and The Hope of Heaven, by Jeanne Kun
Leaven for Living: Our Salvation Born, A new video teaching series by the Sword of the Spirit
Jesus Christ – The Firstborn of Creation, by Fulton J. Sheen
2018 December box 5
Responding to the Lavish Love of God, and Worry-free Living: Is It Possible? by Tom Caballes
Greatness of Heart: The Virtue of Magnanimity and Giving the Best We Have, by Don Schwager

Community of Christ the Redeemer 40th Anniversary, St. Paul, Minnesota, USA
Charis – a new International Service for Catholic Charismatic Renewal, and Jean Barbara's role
2018 december box 4
Mission and Offering, by Dave Hughes, and Training Young Kairos Leaders in South America
Choosing Discipleship as Pilgrims: Women’s Recollection Day, by Michelle Clarence
Reach, Call, Form, and Send! By Andrew Davignon and Peter DeMarais
New Sword of the Spirit page on Facebook - connecting community members worldwide
2018 December box 3
Invaded, and Our Biggest Problem Is Our Heroism, by Sam Williamson
A Selection of Reflections and Homilies on Advent and Christmas Season
Let there be Light” Reflections on Light, Color & Relationship with God:Part 2, by Ros Yates

Living Bulwark is committed to fostering renewal of the whole Christian people: Catholic, Protestant, and Orthodox. We especially want to give witness to the charismatic, ecumenical, evangelistic, and community dimensions of that renewal. Living Bulwark seeks to equip Christians to grow in holiness, to apply Christian teaching to their lives, and to respond with faith and generosity to the working of the Holy Spirit in our day.

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