on the Rock
by Tom
"God is
our refuge and strength, a very
present help in trouble. Therefore we
will not fear though the earth gives
way, though the mountains be moved
into the heart of the sea, though its
waters roar and foam, though the
mountains tremble at its
- Psalm
46:1-3 ESV
What or who is the true source of our security?
Many people look at wealth, or popularity, or
something else as their prime source of being
secured. The truth is, everything is either
unstable or ‘sinking.’ There is nothing we can
truly rely and depend on when things are gloomy or
hopeless – except God. Why? Because God is the
Rock, Alpha and the Omega, the beginning and the
end, the first and the last. He knows everything
that will happen, and He cares for us. That does
not mean everything will be rosy for us, but we
know God will be with us even at the most
challenging times – God exceedingly values us. How
about you – who or what does your security depend
on – The Rock of Salvation, or something else?
So How Do You
Live Being Truly Secured in
- God
is commonly compared to a rock in the
Bible. The first step to true security
in life is to be anchored to the Rock.
If we truly seek His Kingdom first, God
will take care of our needs. See Matthew
- We
need to surrender all that we value and
dear in life to God. “All” includes all
our relationships, our talents, our time
and our possessions. He has given all
these things to us, and He can take away
anything from us as well at His leisure.
See Job 1:21. Our response should be of
heartfelt gratitude to God for all His
gifts to us. Everything belongs to Him.
We are just ‘travellers’ in this life.
- Seek
heavenly treasures, not earthly ones. Do
not lay up for yourselves treasures on
earth, where moth and rust destroy and
where thieves break in and steal, but
lay up for yourselves treasures in
heaven, where neither moth nor rust
destroys and where thieves do not
break in and steal. For where your
treasure is, there your heart will be
also. (Matthew 6:19-21 ESV).
Heavenly treasures are yours to keep
forever, and you will never lose them.
- Instead
of being greedy for worldly wealth, we
should be generous with our wealth...'Truly,
I say to you, as you did it to one of
the least of these my brothers, you
did it to me.' (Matthew 25:40
- Our
hearts should not be fixated or attached
to anything or anyone. For the
present form of this world is passing
away. (1 Corinthians 7:31B ESV).
Yes, we should enjoy life, family and
friendships, but the reality is that
everything in this world, even good and
great things, will fall apart rot or
- Fear
and doubt can challenge our sense of
security. One of the most frequent
messages in the Bible is – do not be
afraid! If God is for you, who can be
against you? See Romans 8:31 and 38-39.
- Be
passionate about your love for God. Your
passion for God should overflow in you,
and you should not keep God to yourself.
You have found the hidden treasure and
the pearl of great price – share it!
Other Scripture passages:
I have set the LORD always
before me; because he is at my right hand,
I shall not be shaken. (Psalm 16:8 ESV)
- The LORD is
my rock and my fortress and my deliverer, my
God, my rock, in whom I take refuge, my
shield, and the horn of my salvation, my
stronghold. (Psalm 18:2 ESV)
- And we know that for those who love God
all things work together for good, for those
who are called according to his purpose.
(Romans 8:28 ESV)
- Other
references: Psalm 91:1-16; 1 Peter 1:3-5;
and Philippians 3:20.
personal reflection or
group sharing
- Do
I have anything that I am attached to in
this life? What – and why - cannot I let go?
- Do
I have an attitude of a traveller or a
sojourner in this life, or do I make this
life my ‘real’ life?
Caballes is the
National Senior
Administrator and a
National Coordinator
of the Lamb
of God, a
community of the
Sword of the Spirit
with 7 branches
located throughout
New Zealand. Tom
also leads Kairos
Zealand, an
outreach program for
high school,
university, and
post-university aged
Tom and
his wife Mhel and
their two
daughters live in
Wellington, New
on the Rock of
illustration by
(c) Kevin
Carden |