2015 / January 2016 - Vol. 83
Steve Clark, a brother and a teacher

The True God Whom We Serve
A man or woman will usually relate to God
according to the vision he or she has of
God. Those of us who have met God through
a personal encounter with Jesus Christ,
our eldest Brother, have learned to see
him as a close, friendly God, a personal
God who has united himself with
our humanity. We have
learned to hold familiar conversation in
a brother-to-brother intimacy with
Christ who is both God and man. Coming to
know God in a personal way was
a necessary step for many of us who
previously had the vision of an
impersonal God who was very distant from
us. But this new understanding
of a personal relationship with God
the Father through his Son Jesus
Christ is just the first step in
understanding how God wants
to bring
this relationship to a deeper
Jesus Christ is
The Lord Jesus Christ is
truly our brother and friend, but he
is also much more. When the Spirit of
God came upon us, in what we have
called being "baptized
in the Holy Spirit," he showed us that
Jesus who suffered and died for us,
and was buried and raised from the
dead, has now been glorified
by the Father and established as Lord
of heaven and earth. Through
the gift of the Spirit we know and
experience the glorified and risen Christ as our Lord. We now
experience what the Apostle Paul wrote to the early
Christians, "No one can say
'Jesus is Lord' except by the
(1 Corinthians 12:3).
Christ is the Lord who is
worthy of all glory, and in whose
presence every knee should bow in
heaven and on earth (Philippians
2:10-11). We don't need anyone one to
tell us this truth, since the Holy
Spirit witnesses with our
spirit the reality of the glorified Christ who reigns
over all and who now lives in us.
So, now, through the
working of the Holy Spirit within us,
our natural impulse is to
proclaim out loud the
glory and praise of our Lord Jesus
Christ. Now in our
relationship with Christ we
can naturally proceed from
conversation with Christ to adoration,
from trust to reverence, from love to
respect. One does
not hinder the other. Christ continues
to be everything he had already been
for us before we were "baptized in the
Spirit" - our Savior, brother, and
friend, but now we recognize that he
is much more as well.
God's glory and majesty
years ago, during a time of
worship at an
international conference, the
Lord gave me a vision of his glory.
(Those of you who think these things
are reserved to saints may now laugh.)
In the vision I saw an immense crowd
with their arms lifted in praise and
worship towards a place located on the
left side of my visual field. Then I
turned my eyes to the place the crowd
were looking at, and I saw the Hall of
the Heavenly Throne. Behind the Throne
was a company of angels - unlike
anything I had ever seen before. I
once had seen some
enormous bronze angels which
guarded the entrance to a
monument in Spain. But now those
gigantic statues looked very tiny, like
Christmas ornaments in the
shape of little angels, in comparison
with the power, glory, and beauty of
the living angels I saws
standing before the Throne of
God. Their whole being radiated
strength, dignity, and manly braveness
that only contrasted the transparency
and peace in their eyes.

On the throne, naked as in his
Resurrection, sat Jesus Christ with an
iron scepter in his right hand. His
majesty was indescribable.
I was then able to grasp a little of
what Paul says in 2 Corinthians:
I know a man in Christ who
fourteen years ago was caught up to
the third heaven – whether in the body
or out of the body I do not know, God
knows. And I know that this man was
caught up into Paradise – whether in
the body or out of the body I do not
know, God knows – and he heard things
that cannot be told, which man may not
utter. (2 Corinthians 12:2-4)
I know that this vision then made its
mark on my way of relating to Jesus
More or less at the end of 1974 or the
beginning of 1975, in our charismatic
prayer groups, we began to experience
the presence of God the Father. In all
of those groups, with no exception,
those who were praying would fall to the
ground and prostrate themselves, their
faces on the ground, without being able
to explain how or at what moment this
had happened. All we know is that the
presence of the Father is awesome.

This is what God told Moses from the
burning bush:
“Do not come near, put off
your shoes from your feet, for the
place on which you are standing is
holy ground.” ...And Moses hid his
face, for he was afraid to look at
God. (Exodus 3:5-6)
When Moses implored God, “Show me your
face”, God replied:
I will make all my goodness
pass before you, and will proclaim
before you my name ‘The LORD’; and I
will be gracious to whom I will be
gracious, and will show mercy on whom
I will show mercy. But... you cannot
see my face; for man shall not see me
and live... While my glory passes I
will put you in a cleft of the rock,
and I will cover you with my hand
until I have passed by; then I will
take away my hand, and you shall see
my back; but my face shall not be
seen. (Exodus 33:19-23)
At Sinai, the sole presence of God
filled the whole people of Israel with
terror, while they stayed at a distance.
To Elijah, God said:
“Go forth, and stand upon
the mount before the LORD.”
And behold, the LORD
passed by, and a great and strong wind
rent the mountains, but the LORD
was not in the wind; and after the
wind an earthquake, but the LORD
was not in the earthquake; and
after the earthquake a fire, but the LORD
was not in the fire; and after the
fire a still small voice. And when
Elijah heard it, he wrapped his face
in his mantle. (1 Kings 19:11-13)
This is Isaiah’s description of his
encounter with the Lord:
In the year that King Uzziah
died I saw the Lord sitting upon a
throne, high and lifted up; and his
train filled the temple. Above him
stood the seraphim; each had six
wings: with two he covered his face,
and with to he covered his feet, and
with two he flew. And one called to
another and said: ‘Holy, holy, holy is
the LORD of hosts; the
whole earth is full of his glory.’ And
the foundations of the thresholds
shook at the voice of him who called,
and the house was filled with smoke.
And I said: ‘Woe is me! For I am lost;
for I am a man of unclean lips, and I
dwell in the midst of a people of
unclean lips; for my eyes have seen
the King, the LORD of
hosts!” (Isaiah 6:1-5)
Ezekiel recalls it this way:
I saw as it were gleaming
bronze, like the appearance of fire
enclosed round about; and downward
from what had the appearance of his
loins I saw as it were the appearance
of fire, and there was brightness
round about him. Like the appearance
of the bow that is in the cloud on the
day of rain, so was the appearance of
the brightness round about. Such was
the appearance of the likeness of the
glory of the LORD. And
when I saw it, I fell upon my face,
and I heard the voice of one speaking.
(Ezekiel 1:27-28)
None of these prophets saw God. These
were merely glimpses of his glory; yet
these simple servants of God were not
able to resist his presence. I invite
you to read the Book of Job once again.
He who thought he had no sin and dared
to appear before God as a righteous man,
was finally able to understand his own
smallness and his place before God, when
God brought him face to face with his
greatness and majesty.
In Revelation we see how the saints
and angels relate to God. They, too,
are overwhelmed by his glory, and they
do not cease to proclaim his holiness,
and to sing praises to God. That is
our call as well - to worship and
glorify God, not only now in this
present life, but also for all ages
without end.
God with reverence and
Whenever God invites his people to
draw nearer to his presence, he also
expects them to relate to him in a
manner worthy of his glory and
greatness. Even when he embraces us
with his tender love and kindness,
there is still something in his glory
and majesty that compels us to give
him adoration, and to approach him
with awe and reverence. We cannot
continue to relate to him simply as we
might have done in the past - simply
as a benefactor who gives us good
things when we ask for his help.
Whenever we gather to worship God
together with other Christians, and
when we each seek him alone in our
private prayer, he wants us to
acknowledge him both as a tender and
merciful Father and as the Lord and
Ruler of the universe. That is why we
must always love him with gratitude,
reverence, and awe. This attitude of
reverence is necessary if we want to
enter more deeply into his presence
and to experience his immediacy.
Perhaps we might envy those who have
seen God in a vision or who have
experienced his presence and power the
way Moses and the prophets experienced
it. However, the author of the Letter
to the Hebrews tells us something of
much greater significance that ought
to change our attitude towards God and
lead us to an understanding of our
dignity in Christ and the great thing
he is doing among us as his people.
The author of the Letter to the
Hebrews contrasts the experience of
Moses and the Israelites with the
experience God wants us to know and
understand now, because of what Christ
has accomplished for us:
For you have not come [as
the Israelites did] to what may be
touched, a blazing fire, and darkness,
and gloom, and a tempest, and the
sound of a trumpet, and a voice whose
words made the hearers entreat that no
further messages be spoken to them.
For they could not endure the order
that was given, ‘If even a beast
touches the mountain, it shall be
stoned.’ Indeed, so terrifying was the
sight that Moses said, ‘I tremble with
But you have come to Mount Zion and
to the city of the living God, the
heavenly Jerusalem, and to
innumerable angels in festal
gathering, and to the assembly of
the first-born who are enrolled in
heaven, and to a judge who is God of
all, and to the spirits of just men
made perfect, and to Jesus, the
mediator of a new covenant, and to
the sprinkled blood... (Hebrews
In Christ we
have direct access to God's throne
in heaven
Brothers and sisters in Christ, we do
not yet have a clear notion of what
takes place when we gather to worship
the Lord together. We who have been
enrolled in heaven as God’s children
(that is, we who have a “birth
certificate” in the files of heaven,
since the day we were born again from on
high) join the triumphant Church of
those who went before us in the joy of
seeing Christ face to face, that is, we
join our departed brothers and sisters,
our parents, the saints, and myriad’s of
angels, in order to appear together in
the presence of God and to praise him.
If we fail to worship God with
reverence and awe, or worship in an
irreverant way, then we fail to
recognize whose presence we are in -
the Almighty Lord of heaven and earth.
That is why the author of the Letter
to the Hebrews reminds us of the
experience of the Israelites when they
came to the mountain of God in the
wilderness. God did not allow them to
come near the mountain because they
could not endure his presence and
live. But now that Christ has come and
has redeemed us with his blood, and
has torn open the veil of the Holy of
Holies that separated the people from
God's presence, we have free access
through Christ to draw near the throne
of grace and to enter God's presence
with confidence.
This new reality of how Christ has
made it possible for us to enter into
God's presence will not make any sense
for those who do not yet know
God or who do not understand the
fullness of his identity. But for
those who do understand what Christ
has done for us and how he wants us to
approach the throne of mercy in
heaven, let us examine what the
Scriptures teach us about relating to
God is a more mature way as his sons
and daughters.
How, then, does Scripture describe
what our relationship to God should be
like? First, it should be a personal
relationship, because God is a
personal being and not a cosmic force;
and that personal being also regards
us as persons, with that personal love
with which we regard each of our
children, and not the way one can look
at the sand of the sea, even if that
sand had emerged from our hands. Yet
it is not properly a “man-to-man”
relationship, a relationship between
equals, even though Christ is a man
and that man is our brother. In fact,
he is infinitely greater than my
brother the President, or my brother
the Pope, or my brother the Emperor –
people whom we would not treat as
equals anyway.
images - types of relationships
When God, in Scripture,
instructs on the way he wants us to
relate to him, he normally uses one
of the following four images. He
wants our relationship to him to be
similar to:
1. That of a son to his father.
2. That of a soldier to his officer.
3. That of a servant to his master.
4. That of a subject to his king.
Personally, I think it ought to be
similar to all of those at once.
It’s like the relationship I would
have to my father if he were at once
my king, my officer and my master,
because God is all of those things
at once, and I don’t know how we
could separate them.
He is my Father but he is also my
Master and my Lord. And this is
where our joy resides – in
having a Master and being servants
of a Lord who, nevertheless, regards
us and cares for us with the love of
a Father, and who is also the King
of all that exists; in being aware
that God is a personal being, who
has dreamed of me from eternity, who
loves me and therefore wants by
happiness, and who is omnipotent.
I also believe that it is when we
go alternatively from one of these
images to another, so that one day
we only look at God one way and the
next day only in that other way,
that we lose our right relationship
to him. That is, when we are dirty
and come to our King, or we are
defeated and come to our Officer,
but we forget that at that time he
regards us with the love and
understanding of a Father. Or when
we come, like spoiled children, to
the Father who forbids or commands
us to do something, forgetting that
he is also our Officer. Or when he
asks us something or asks us
everything, and we start whining,
because we forget that we belong to
him and that he is the Master and
Lord of all that is ours and of
I know it’s difficult to grasp all
of these images because he
transcends all of them. It is
difficult to explain how to relate
to him because there is no other
relationship in the world that will
actually be the same. But there is
one thing I know we must understand:
God is not our comrade or partner,
our buddy, our sidekick or
accomplice. He and his ways, his
power, his authority and his glory,
his commands, his essence, his
goodness, his tenderness, his
justice and his holiness are as far
above me as heaven is above the
earth. It was he who came to man, it
was he who came to me in order to
save me, and it was he who
established a covenant and a
relationship with me. And this
covenant is the covenant between
omnipotence and impotence, between
grace and sin, not a covenant or a
relationship between equals.
In order to understand at least a
little better the images God uses
for explaining his relationship to
us, I would like to take a look into
each of them individually. We are
going to begin with the father-son
Paul says in Romans 8:14:
“For all who are led by
the Spirit of God are sons of God.
...When we cry, ‘Abba! Father!’ it
is the Spirit himself bearing
For a Jew in the times of Jesus, a son
is not the same as a young child. In
modern society, sons and daughter par
excellence are young children. When we
approach the age of 18, we feel we are
ceasing to be sons or daughters, and
the thing we most long for is for our
parents to stop being parents or
acting as such.
But in Jesus’ time, a son par
excellence was an adult son, who was
able to occupy his father’s position.
The father-son relationship was, in
this sense, a relationship between two
A stanza of Psalm 127 illustrates
this kind of relationship:
Like arrows in the hand of
a warrior are the sons of one’s
youth. Happy is the man who has his
quiver full of them! He shall not be
put to shame when he speaks with his
enemies in the gate. (Psalm 127:4-5)
This is not the image of Daddy playing
Indians and cowboys with his kids in
the backyard. Rather, this is the
image of a father-chief, surrounded by
manly sons who defend him and who are
willing to fight for him and for his
interests. These sons the father
regards as a blessing, in contrast to
a modern father who thinks it’s stupid
to spend time forming his children,
and who can’t wait to see them leave
the home.
For the Jewish mentality, sons are
a continuation and an extension of
their father: in his reputation,
which they must protect as much as
their own; in his authority, which
they must be able to use in
representing him; in his character,
being themselves just like their
father, having his own way of being,
of feeling, of acting; in his
responsibility, caring for their
father’s business (at twelve years
old, the young Jesus who was lost in
the temple was already aware of this
responsibility); and in his mission,
by carrying out and completing their
father’s work.
A father lives and is perpetuated
in his sons. Since we are God’s
sons, we say that a Christian is a
man who has been chosen by Christ,
in order to be like Christ, and
incorporated and enabled by Christ
in order to complete Christ’s
mission in the world, which is the
mission that his Father entrusted
him with.
This continuation of the Father is
not merely biological but of
character. We are supposed to be
like him. Jesus said to the Jews, in
so many words: “You think you are
sons of Abraham, but in fact you are
sons of Satan” (cf. John 8:39-44).
He tells them this because they no
longer reflect the faith of their
father Abraham; they do not look
like him at all.
All of this is what we are
supposed to be for our Father, and
it is thus that the Father wants us
to relate to him. Not like young
children who will hide or curl up in
their daddy’s knees, but like adult
sons, brave, responsible,
respectful, obedient, who by their
own way of being are looking to
their father’s business,
representing him and making use of
his authority.
Let’s now examine the
officer-soldier relationship. We
read in Ephesians 6:10-11:
“Finally, be strong in the Lord
and in the strength of his might.
Put on the whole armor of God,
that you may be able to stand
against the wiles of the devil.”
And then he goes on to describe
the armor. To Timothy he says:
“Share in suffering as a good
soldier of Christ Jesus” (2
Timothy 2:3).
We are supposed to be
Christ’s soldiers, but some of our
number are so irresponsible that
they haven’t even realized that we
are at war, in a war that began in
heaven before the creation of the
world, but which has been moved to
earth. We are involved in that war
even if we don’t want, and not
wanting to fight will not only not
protect you from anything,
but will make your defeat
absolutely certain. Only those who
fight under Christ’s banner will
survive the devil’s attacks.
But our condition as soldiers must
also reflect itself in our daily
lives. When you are drafted by the
army, your life changes radically.
You are now subject to certain rules
and to an authority. You are under
military discipline. Your personal
preferences are subordinated to the
army’s needs. Sometimes you won’t be
able to take a nap or go where you
would have liked to go, or do what
you would liked to do, but you will
do what your officer says and go
where you are sent or where your
officer needs you. It’s not the
right time to say, “Daddy, I’m
tired, let me curl up in your arms,”
as you used to do when you were a
young kid. It’s time to say:
“Heavenly Headquarters, give your
When you are at war, the safest
place to be is with your officer in
the battlefield, and well armed.
Your safety resides in obeying him.
If an army does not obey its
commander, having been trained very
well will be no use. If you desert,
your penalty will be court-martial
and dishonor.
It may be that all of this sounds
too drastic to you. But that’s only
because you are not aware that we
Christians, by the very fact that we
are Christians, are engaged in total
war against the forces of evil, and
that the commander of those forces
does not sleep, but prowls around
like a roaring lion. If we are in a
war and if we have been recruited by
Christ, we must be willing to live
as soldiers. This means we will do
whatever he commands us to do, and
not those things which are of our
personal liking.
But it also means that we will
always try to act as a body and to
remain together with our battalion.
A lonely soldier is a dead man, and
that is a well-known fact for those
of us who once attempted to live our
Christianity by ourselves or to
engage in combat as snipers.
But a lonely soldier is not just an
idiot, he’s a dangerous fellow for
those of his own side. He’s the one
others will need to go rescuing.
He’s the most likely to be
captured. He’s the one who, because
he acts outside all orders or plans,
can spoil everything. If you are
isolated, you are already in danger,
and you are a danger for everyone
Let’s now refer to the
master-servant relationship. In
Romans 6:17-23 St. Paul reminds us
that we have been freed from
slavery to sin, but we have merely
shifted masters, since we now
belong to Christ. He says in verse
19: “For just as you once yielded
your members to impurity and to
greater and greater iniquity, so
now yield your members to
righteousness for sanctification.”
In order to fully understand
certain things in Scripture, it is
often necessary to first understand
how things worked in the times when
the Bible was written. In the times
of Jesus, you were either a slave or
a free man. And any person could
become a slave at any time, for
various reasons – because your
country was attacked and defeated
and the people were led to slavery,
but also for more daily reasons such
as not being able to pay a debt, as
in the case of that man in the
parable who owed ten thousand
talents. Thus, a person could be
sold with his whole family until the
debt was paid for.
We are well aware that we have a
debt to Christ which we cannot pay.
We also know that the word
“redemption” is merely a commercial
term, meaning “ransom”. Thus, Christ
redeemed us with his blood, the same
way you redeem a pledge at a
pawnshop. Christ paid our debt with
his blood, he bought our IOU’s – but
not in order for us to be absolutely
free, but, as Paul says, that we
might live no longer for ourselves,
but for him who died and was raised
for us (cf. 2 Corinthians 5:15).
That’s why he is our Lord, our
Nevertheless, a slave or servant
would not go around bearing chains
all the time, nor would he spend the
whole day cutting rocks the way we
see it in motion pictures. A servant
would often have a position of
confidence, and sometimes could be a
tutor for a prince, or even a
minister of Pharaoh, as in the case
of Joseph. I think this is our
situation, since God has placed
enormous responsibilities in our
A servant’s fortune came from and
depended on his owner’s wealth. So
you could be very rich and still be
a servant. That’s what Paul says
about us: “All things are yours...
and you are Christ’s, and Christ is
God’s” (1 Corinthians 3:21-22).
But above all these things, and
whatever the particular situation or
position of a servant could be, all
servants had one thing in common:
they had to do always and first of
all – even above the work commended
to them – the will of their master.
That’s why I always say that the
important thing is not doing much or
little, doing big or small things –
the important thing is always doing
God’s will. If Pharaoh says,
“Joseph, go and do this errand for
me,” Joseph will not reply, “I’m
sorry, Mr. Pharaoh, but I’m very
busy working as your Prime
Minister.” Joseph must go, because
before being the Prime Minister he
is Pharaoh’s servant.
Joseph was a great man under
Pharaoh. And we are greater than
Joseph under the King of the
Universe. Jesus goes to the point of
saying about us that even the
smallest one in his Kingdom is
greater than John the Baptist, whom
he called the greatest born of a
woman. But our greatness comes from
being servants of the King in the
Kingdom of God.
That is why, like the humblest of
his servants, we owe the Lord honor,
respect and obedience, and we
renounce ourselves and any personal
preference in order to do always and
above all the will of God.
Subjects of the
Let us now see what it
meant to be subjects of a king.
David, who was a king, says in
Psalm 99:1-3:
reigns; let the peoples tremble!
He sits enthroned upon the
cherubim; let the earth quake! The
LORD is great in
Zion; he is exalted over all the
peoples. Let them praise thy great
and terrible name! Holy is he!
For us it is difficult to
understand what a king is, because
the few kings that remain today
are very unlike the concept of a
king in the Bible. A king today is
a far-away individual, occupied in
his own things and separated from
his people, and he will only
appear in great solemn events. The
one who actually governs is the
Prime Minister.
But in Scripture, the model of a
king is that of someone who served
his people, and he did this in two
very concrete ways.
First, he waged war against the
enemies of his people, and he
would lead his army himself. As we
know, in the time of the Judges
there was no king in Israel.
Yahweh, the Lord of Hosts, was
their only King, and he was the
one who personally waged war on
behalf of his people. That is the
constant line in the whole Old
Testament – the witness of a King
who fights for his people. Samuel
grudgingly anointed Saul, who was
the first king of Israel.
The second function of the king
was to do justice. He would solve
conflicts, give sentence to
condemn the wicked and to clear
the innocent, and keep order in
the midst of his people.
The people, in turn, corresponded
to their king by showing him honor
and respect, obeying his laws and
serving him. Subjects would offer
themselves in his service for a
given time.
The Lord is our King, and he
knows his office. David, who was
also a king and who knew his
duties, then dares to say to his
King in Psalm 35:
Contend, O LORD,
with those who contend with me;
fight against those who fight
against me! Take hold of shield
and buckler, and rise for my help!
Draw the spear and javelin against
my pursuers! Say to my soul, ‘I am
your deliverance!’
Joshua does likewise when he enters
the promised land in order to
conquer it. He expects the Lord to
wage war against his enemies. That’s
the same thing we ought to expect.
Christians today often trust too
much in their own strength,
neglecting the fact that our fight
is not against flesh and blood,
but against the hosts of the
enemy, and that the enemy’s power
is much stronger than ours. We can
conquer only if God is with us,
heading and leading the battle,
and if we fight with his weapons.
I often insist that it’s not a
matter of us fighting with God’s
help, which would amount to making
God our assistant, but of helping
God in his warfare. Our slogan is,
Christ and me are the overwhelming
majority. If we place ourselves
first, me and Christ, we are like
a zero on the left of the number,
which is worth nothing. But if we
place ourselves after him, at his
right hand, the more zeros we
write, our worth will increase.
Because he is the King, he
deserves all our honor and
respect, and all our obedience.
Because he is the King, the Lord
judges us. “For we shall all stand
before the judgment seat of God,”
as Paul reminds us in Romans
14:10. As a judge he is slow to
anger, but he will not leave the
guilty unpunished. We must expect
his judgment, remembering that
judgment does not just mean
punishment of the guilty, but also
acquittal of the innocent.
And, once again, we must remember
that in our four-fold relationship
to him, as servants, subjects and
soldiers, we are also sons and
daughters of him who will judge us,
and therefore we can also trust in
his infinite justice and mercy.
This article
is adapted from the
book, From Egghead
to Birdhood (hatch or
rot as a Christian),
(c) copyright 2001
Carlos Mantica.
Mantica is a founder
of The City of God
community (La Cuidad
de Dios) in Managua,
Nicaragua, and a
founding leader of the
of the Spirit.
He served as president
of the Sword of the
Spirit between 1991
and 1995.
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