December 2015 / January 2016 - Vol. 83
young man 
.Looking for Daniel
by Rob Clarke

Daniel had been a bright lad from the word go, good looking, smart and he had had the benefit of a good education. It wasn’t altogether surprising that talent spotters acting for officialdom had recommended he be given a place in the best national academy.

Indeed Daniel had gone on to do well. Serving in successive Government administrations he was widely regarded as one of the most influential senior civil servants in the country.

Perhaps what was most remarkable about all this was that Daniel was foreigner from a small middle eastern nation and here he was serving the dominant power in the region. Serving a people who spoke a different language and whose culture and religion were vastly different to his own.

Daniel served diligently and effectively
– yet all the while – his decision making was guided by his own deeply held faith. Daniel had made no secret of his belief in God but for the most part this had not created any serious conflict.

And then one day... Daniel was asked to refrain from worshiping God. Now Daniel could have maintained a pretence of following this new law
– and he could have gone on quietly praying behind closed doors whilst conforming to the new political correctness in the exterior of his life.

Daniel prays before
                          his open window

But Daniel determined that he would not compromise his beliefs. For Daniel this was a matter of conscience. He threw open the windows of his house and maintained his practice of prayer in full view of those that cared to see.

Within days he was dragged before the courts
and charged with violating the law. Things don’t go well in court and he is sentenced to death. There is a marvelous ending to this story which you can read about in Chapter Six of the book of Daniel.

I love Daniel’s courage, I love the fact that he lives by his convictions. I love the abandonment with which he says, “I’ll follow my conscience and trust God with the consequences”.

Right now
– here in Ireland and across the globe – there is a need for a new generation of Daniels…

This article was originally published in Life Blog, (c) March 2015 Spirit Radio, Ireland. Used with permission.

Rob Clarke is the CEO for Spirit Radio, a national Christian radio station for Ireland online and also on am and fm. Originally from New Zealand, Rob moved to Dublin in 1987 and has worked extensively in Christian leadership and is a regular conference speaker. Rob and his wife Anne are members of Nazareth Community in Dublin. They have six children.

 Living Bulwark (c) copyright 2015  The Sword of the Spirit
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