/ January 2015 - Vol. 77
for Mission - Summer 2014
by Paul
“As we
lose our lives, we gain our lives.”
This is the Gospel
truth most on my mind these days.
Only a work of God
would see young men and women taking joy in
their ‘loss’. Leaving comfort zones, serving
the need, setting aside our phones,
stripping away our material comforts in
order to hear God, ‘tired and worn but with
a light in our eyes…’
I find myself called
on by their words and deeply encouraged to
see God’s action in their lives through the
giving of their lives.
This past summer Kairos
in Europe and the MiddleEast sent out
30 young people from 10 different
nationalities on mission. With another 30 at
Bible Week, 30 at our senior training for
pastoral work and another 40 following the
Student Worker conference it was a busy
summer. The soil of Europe remains hard
ground but things are continuing to steadily
Please join in
praying that the labors of the past summer
may continue to bear fruit, and that our God
may capture the hearts and minds of the
students and young people we are meeting
these days.
Paul Jordan is the
Director for Kairos-EME

Culture Shock
John Mamonluk |
London, England
I initially signed up for the mission trip
to Mumbai because of a desire to
deliberately separate myself from
first-world comforts that have cradled me my
whole life. Heading into India for two weeks
with nine other young adults from Europe and
Australia, I knew that my standards for
comfort, convenience and safety would all be
tested. However, no amount of mental
preparation would even come close to the
level of poverty I witnessed.
Th e first time I walked through the slums
of Mankurd, everything felt surreal. Th e
experience can sort of be likened to walking
through a movie set. I seriously couldn’t
register the idea: what I was experiencing
was real life for people. As the trip
continued, I came to terms that this was the
horrific reality for the kids we met at the
center. After our sessions, they would be
returning to their tight buildings among the
filth, flies, rats and rank stenches. These
sessions in the slums really developed an
appreciation for blessings I possess.

A significant amount of our work was
serving kids. Time with them helped me see
that much of what we designate as a need is
actually a want. Despite the language
barrier, you could fill a child with joy
merely by being with them. They longed to be
played with, to be picked up, to sit on your
lap, to simply be loved. These basic actions
came at no cost to us yet made their day.
This made me re-evaluate the amount of
weight and attention I give to my
relationships. I really should be investing
more in my relationships with people and
developing a deeper appreciation for the
love and service they show me.

Through Christ Who
Strengthens Me
Christine Doyle |
Dublin, Ireland
This summer I was blessed to have spent two
incredible God- centered weeks in the city
of Mumbai, India. My team and I were so
abundantly blessed during our time in India
through all the people we met, the places we
visited and the tasks we faced.
My first experience of India was the
distinct smell and the humidity. However, it
was the poverty that struck me the most. The
population of Mumbai is 11.9 million people,
more than half of whom live in
highly-crowded slums. We served in an area
called Mankurd, the second largest slum in
Asia, where we focused on reaching out to
the children by putting on a sports day, a
medical camp, workshops, dancing, singing
and just generally having fun with them.
We were also fortunate to work closely with
a local youth group called Gensys. We wanted
to share a hunger for the Lord that would
encourage Gensys to reach out to more and
more young people in Mumbai. We put on a
retreat for them which gave us the
opportunity to grow in fellowship,
discipleship, worship, prayer and praise. We
were able to share our own experiences on
how the Lord touched and changed our lives.
A big highlight for me was our very last
night in Mumbai. The team all went down to
the seafront for our last team meeting, and
we sat on the wall facing out over the city.
We had successfully completed our journey.
It was such an overwhelming moment,
something that I will never forget: “I can
do all things through Christ who strengthens
me” (Philippians 4:13).
I experienced so many blessings while I was
on the trip. The Lord spoke to us
individually and as a team, which is what
made our time together so special. One of
the biggest life lessons that I picked up
from being there was how poor one can be on
the outside but how rich on the inside
simply because of the joy in our hearts for
the Lord. It seems like such a simple
lesson, but it stood out for me, and I
brought it back home.
The wonderful thing about mission is that I
come home to it; mission didn’t end when I
got home from India. I have a constant
mission to not only follow the Lord but
bring more people to him, and that is
something to celebrate.
Building Across Culture
Bronagh McGlinchey |
Belfast, Northern Ireland
When I first was told that I’d gotten a
place on the Kenya mission trip, I was
delighted. When I arrived on 6 August with
seven other young people, it definitely was
not what I was expecting!
Having been on a previous mission trip to
South Africa, I thought I’d fully
experienced doing mission work: feeding the
hungry, handing out blankets, being shocked
and horrified at the conditions people lived
in. This time round, however, we weren’t
handing out the food or looking on; we were
experiencing it with them. We used a drop
hole for a toilet, had no running water,
washed from a bucket, and ate the same food
day in and day out, things that we wouldn’t
dare dream of doing at home. Instead of
handing out blankets and food, our main goal
for the trip was reaching across the
language and culture barriers to build
relationships with the Voice of the Gospel
For all of us, this was a struggle and at
times frustrating. We weren’t sure if we
were making a difference. However, it was
these experiences which made us grow in a
deeper faith. With materialism stripped
away, we could fully embrace God and hear
him more clearly. For the first time since
becoming a Christian, I was able to take a
brave step and open myself up to God,
allowing him to work and heal me in an
amazing way.
We were presented with great opportunities
for building relationships across cultural
differences. The women on our team were able
to have a small group time with the women of
Voice of the Gospel Community. Another gem
was staying at the Little Angels Orphanage
and playing with the children.Every day we
were inspired by the grace and love the
children showed each other and by how they
worked together as a family, with their
faith at the center.
This experience to Kenya changed me and
allowed me to grow in so many ways,
increasing my passion for mission. It was a
truly fantastic experience!
Wherever We’re Willing to Serve
Clare Holmes | Glasgow,
Th e Glasgow Commonwealth Games mission
trip seemed like a unique opportunity to
serve in my own city, to get to know a range
of people from across Europe and beyond and
to be open to challenging myself right at
the center of a place I would usually call
my comfort zone.
For the two weeks during the games, our
team of fourteen worked, served, lived and
prayed in Glasgow. It was a time when God
worked not only in our team and the people
we came into contact with but also very
personally with each one of us. I never
expected to learn so much about myself while
in my own city!
One of the most striking things I received
from the trip was how God uses our
weaknesses over our strengths. One of the
ways he did this was by making us vulnerable
as we openly witnessed about
difficult times in our lives during street
dramas. The drama was focused on finding
hope when we feel stuck. The result was
incredible: we had strangers writing down
times they also felt stuck on pieces of
paper and how they found hope. We had people
stopping to talk with us and even get prayed
Something else God revealed to me is that
he works wherever we are willing to serve.
He transformed my view of Glasgow from being
a place of familiar streets and buildings to
a city filled with people he wanted to reach
out to. He showed us that even in a place
that you call your ‘comfort zone’, He can
make you uncomfortable in order that you
might be open to how he wants to use you. He
also made it clear that some of the most
incredible stories and witnesses can happen
during a normal, mid-week bus ride or an
average lunch hour on a busy main street. I
can truly say I see my city very differently
now and I know it is because I was open to
God working in it. As became our team motto,
‘Praise the Lord!’
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