University Christian Outreach
team from Michigan visiting UCO chapter in Montreal - Stephen Bick 3rd
Amazing Work:
Breaking language
barriers and building bonds of Christian fellowship across borders
by Stephen Bick
One mild Friday lunchtime in October,
a group of five young men and women set out from Lansing, Michigan to visit
and build up our fellow UCO chapter in Montreal, Canada. We were a strange
group: Greg, staff worker for University Christian Outreach (UCO) in Lansing,
committed, driven and (very) Lebanese; Stephanie, University of Michigan
nursing student, excited, smiley, French-American; Rachel, UCO Ann Arbor
staff worker, amicable, perseverant, Scottish, often seen with camera;
Clare, UCO Ann Arbor staff worker, sensible, joyful, leading the group,
the only American-born member; Stephen (myself), 19, Kairos gapper from

Clare, Stephanie, and Rachel
in Montreal
We drove from Lansing to Toronto
that afternoon, a pleasant journey full of great conversation and views
out of the window. We stayed in Toronto with the Barakats, a Lebanese family
who Greg knew very well. Leaving early the next morning, I had a long car
journey to reflect on why I was asked to come on the trip. What could I,
a non-French speaker, offer? I prayed that God would use me in spite of
all this, knowing him to be much greater than I am. We arrived in Montreal
at the Dahan’s, another Lebanese family who, like the Barakats, were members
of the People of God community in Lebanon before moving to Canada. We celebrated
the Lord’s Day with the entire UCO chapter. Stephanie and I gave our testimonies
in French (mine was pre-translated for me). Sunday, after attending church
services, was almost entirely spent eating, at a brunch that led into dinner,
all wonderful Lebanese food and fellowship. This was a great time to get
to know the folks in the chapter, and talk about their UCO and the challenges
they were facing, and to offer encouragement and advice.

Greg Codouni (left) and Michel
Dahan (center) with people from UCO
Michel Dahan, who returned from his
gap year in Lansing (one alarmingly similar to mine!) to found UCO Montreal,
showed us around Montreal with his fiancee, Katia. In the evening we went
to the UCO men’s sharing group, where Greg and I gave our testimonies,
this time, thankfully in English. The guys were very inspired by this,
and all spoke promisingly about their dreams for the chapter and where
they wanted it to go in the future.

Leaving very early Tuesday
morning, we travelled the entire distance back to Lansing in one day, about
14 hours of driving. Stopping for lunch at Niagara falls, I was reminded
of my reaction to the falls aged 3: I apparantly walked around for 40 minutes
repeatedly saying “It’s amazing. It’s amazing”. Now, thinking on how God
used me throughout the trip, breaking language barriers, giving me words
to speak and ears to listen and keeping bonds of fellowship intact in confined
vehicles, I have a very similar response to his work in me today as I did
to that staggering waterfall sixteen years ago.
[Stephen Bick, 19, grew up
in the Antioch Community in London,
England. He is currently doing a Kairos GAP year of service in Lansing,
Michigan, USA – frequently with Windex
and rag in hand.] |