December 2009 - Vol. 35
That God might be more 

He must increase, but I must decrease." 

                                                         – John 3:30


Being Nothing to Become Something. Luther said, “Until a man is nothing, God can be nothing for him.” John the Baptist said it was better for himself to decrease that Jesus might increase. Isn’t it about time we were all less that God might be more? Think about it. 

I recently met a very charismatic Christian leader at a conference. I would have never ever guessed that not long before I met him he was almost killed bodysurfing in Hawaii. A huge wave sent him straight into the sand below and broke his neck. It was a miracle that he didn’t drown, and almost as miraculous that he had almost completely recovered within 6 months or so. In a book he wrote about his accident and recovery, he described those first painful weeks where he could do nothing (literally) for himself. His whole story is very moving, but especially his recounting of how he began each day once he had progressed to the point of being able to sit up in bed by himself by asking, —“Lord, what are we going to do together today?” Now that is a question that we would all do well to ask each day.

Next reflection > Separating wheat from chaff

Dave Quintana is an elder of The Servants of the Word, a missionary brotherhood of men living single for the Lord. He is also a regional coordinator for the Sword of the Spirit in Europe and the Middle East. He lives in Belfast, Northern Ireland.
(c) copyright 2009  The Sword of the Spirit
publishing address: Park Royal Business Centre, 9-17 Park Royal Road, Suite 108, London NW10 7LQ, United Kingdom