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Christian Character and the Virtues

The Meaning of Christian Love
•  Practical Ways to Love God
Christian Love & Human Desire, by Mark Kinzer
The Greatest Good that Surpasses All Else: Love of God and Neighbor
Freedom in Truth - Unity in Love

The Courage to Go Forward and the Strength to Persevere, by Charles Simpson 
Lessons in Faith and Courage from the Book of Daniel, by John Keating 
Christians Courageous, By Charles Simpson 
The Courage to be Different, by Bruce Yocum 
Going Against the Tide, by John Keating
The Call and Fruit of Perseverance, by Bernhard Stock
On the Virtue of Disinterestedness, by Romano Guardini

Sloth – the deadly vice of our present age, by Peter Kreeft
The Life of a Disciple: a commentary on the beatitudes, by Steve Clark
The Readiness to Change, by Dietrich von Hildebrand
The Heroes of Middle Earth:Tolkien-Marks of Christian Heroism, by Leon Podles
Have You Been Tested Lately? by Jerry Munk
The Battle Is the Lord's: Are you ready to fight for him? by Paul Jordan

Growth in Christian Character and the Virtues, by Don Schwager
Whole Likeness Are We? Being Formed in the Character of Christ, by Don Schwager
Greatness of Heart: The Virtue of Magnanimity and Giving the Best We Have, by Don Schwager
Perseverance and the Strength to Finish Well
A Servant's Heart – Loving and Serving Others for their Sake
Training in Excellence: How godly character strengthens individuals, families, and communities
Courage – the readiness to fall in battle, by Don Schwager

Attaining True Greatness - Humility versus Pride, by Don Schwager
Character Conformed to the Image of God
Countering the Deadly Vices with Godly Virtues: Part I – Faith and Virtue
In the Image and Likeness of God: a scriptural reflection on moral vision and Christian character

You Gotta Serve Somebody: Who Is the Freest of All?
What Is the Greatest Title of All? Whoever would be great among you..., a scriptural reflection
Servants of Jesus Christ, a new book
Keys to Growth and Maturity: Reflection on the Letter to the Hebrews – Part II
Courage Forged Under Fire: The heroic witness and martyrdom of Sophie Scholl
What Is the Greatest Title of All? reflection by Don Schwager
You Gotta Serve Somebody: Who Is the Freest of All? by Don Schwager
Faith and Virtue–Countering the Deadly Vices, by Don Schwager
In the Image and Likeness of God: reflection on character, by Don Schwager 
A Servant’s Heart – Loving and Serving Others for Their Sake, by Don Schwager


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