With the World and Longing for Home
by Tom
lovely is your dwelling place, O LORD
of hosts! My soul longs, yes, faints
for the courts of the LORD; My heart
and flesh sing for joy to the living
- Psalm
84:1-2 ESV
Some time ago, I went on an overseas trip that
lasted a month. I visited beautiful buildings,
historical places, and nice hotels, but after a
few days, I felt uneasy and restless; there is
something amiss and does not feel right – I am not
at home. I started longing for home in far-off New
Zealand. No matter how beautiful or majestic
things I visited are, I know I will only be there
for a short time. I then started reflecting –
“Where is my true home?” I asked. Is it in
Wellington, New Zealand, where I live, or in
Manila, Philippines, where I grew up? I
realised that my true home is with God in heaven,
where all my hopes, dreams and joy reside. As I
walk in this life, I look forward to when I will
finally see God face to face and enjoy His
everlasting presence. I realised that I will
always be uneasy and restless in the world because
I am just a short-term visitor here. How about you
– where is your true home? Do you long be in
heaven? Is being with God in heaven your true
hope, focus, joy, and security? Or are you very
comfortable, contented, and at ease in the world?
So What Do We Do
Now As We Long for Our True
- Do
not settle for anything that the world
offers. No matter how rich and famous we
become, we cannot bring them to where we are
going. No matter how gratifying anything in
this world is, that pleasure is just
temporary. We are meant for things eternal,
not just for temporal things. We are just
passing guests here.
- Focus
on being rich in God’s eyes. "Do not
lay up for yourselves treasures on earth,
where moth and rust destroy and where
thieves break in and steal, but lay up for
yourselves treasures in heaven, where
neither moth nor rust destroys and where
thieves do not break in and steal. For where
your treasure is, there your heart will be
also.” [Matthew 6:19-21 ESV] We should focus
on serving God and others in this life, not
amassing wealth.
- Let
God be your true source of security and joy
and not material things. If your heart is
focussed on your material wealth, you would
naturally rely on them as your sense of
security. But riches can come and go; God is
always with you. Your only attachment in
this life should only be with God; not money
or riches, not achievements, not fame, and
not even good relationships. All those
things will one day go away.
- Because
of sin, you encounter various hardships and
trials at different points in your life –
live out your life well. Never give up.
Stand up when you fall. Glorify God in all
that you do. Fulfill what God has called you
to; seek His will in everything. Fight
the good fight of the faith. Take hold of
the eternal life to which you were called
and about which you made the good confession
in the presence of many witnesses. [1
Timothy 6:12 ESV]
- Share
the good news with all people you meet. All
our relationships in this life are only
temporary; if we care enough for our
friends, we want them to go to heaven, too.
There, we can be truly BFF – best friends
- Anticipate
your heavenly reward. It is good to
visualise and contemplate what heaven would
be like. Imagine having an immortal body.
Imagine you will meet all the saints and
martyrs of the past, and all family members
and friends who have won the victor’s crown.
Imagine no more death, disease, pain, and
sorrow. Imagine that at the centre of it all
will be God, whom you will walk with forever
and ever. Isn’t that something worth longing
and waiting for? Then we will truly be at
home - our lasting, satisfying, fulfilling,
and perfect home.
Other Scripture passages:
- But
our citizenship is in heaven, and from it
we await a Savior, the Lord Jesus Christ.
(Philippians 3:20 ESV)
- Seek
the things that are above, where Christ
is, seated at the right hand of God. Set
your minds on things that are above, not
on things that are on earth. For you have
died, and your life is hidden with Christ
in God. When Christ who is your life
appears, then you also will appear with
him in glory. [Colossians 3:1-4 ESV]
- But,
as it is written, "What no eye has seen,
nor ear heard, nor the heart of man
imagined, what God has prepared for those
who love him." [1 Corinthians 2:9
- Other
Bible verses: Matthew 7:13-14; John 14:2-4;
Galatians 2:20; and Revelations
personal reflection or
group sharing
focussed and invested are you on the things of
heaven rather than things on earth?
Caballes is the
National Senior
Administrator and a
National Coordinator
of the Lamb
of God, a
community of the
Sword of the Spirit
with 7 branches
located throughout
New Zealand. Tom
also leads Kairos
Zealand, an
outreach program for
high school,
university, and
post-university aged
Tom and
his wife Mhel and
their two
daughters live in
Wellington, New