Good News from Emmanuel Community in
by Andre
The brothers and sisters from Emmanuel
Community in Aleppo Syria have recently finished
a long-awaited retreat in the first week of June
where they came upon a renewed commitment to the
vision and mission they have from the Lord.
There are about 60 people in the core community.
Earlier this month an additional 19 made their
commitment to join this core group.
Fortunately, there is a lot of good news to
report, even if not much has changed concerning
the prohibitive basic necessities’ prices. The
community continues to operate with the support
of local clergy, both priests and bishop and
there is also a parish Priest who has joined as
a member and is helping with the pastoral care
of the community.
The focus this year has been the establishment
of a community center. A large donation from a
benefactor church is being used to refurnish a
five-bedroom apartment located in a safe area of
the city even for evening meetings. The members
specially the sisters can safely get there to
attend small group meetings, formation courses
and evangelistic prayer events.
The main job is to convert this property to
serve as a community center which includes
purchasing office furniture and chairs for large
meetings. It also will entail upgrading toilets,
revamping the kitchen, enhancing security of the
building, and putting in air conditioning which
is currently not there. This type of conversion
is quite typical in Aleppo, and following the
devastation of the war very much needed.
This process will realistically take many
months to achieve since most of the skilled
labor has left the city and those who have
remained are swamped with work and they have to
work slowly by hand; why? Because many machines
have been destroyed by the fighting during the
last five years in two thirds of the city.
The Emmanuel Community is running their regular
schedule of evangelism and formation courses as
the renovation of the center is slowly getting
under way. They have even more people
participating since the cessation of fighting
last December. There are about 120 people who
have lately attended their prayer meetings. The
feast of Pentecost was celebrated with a week
end retreat where rich worship, and strong
community relationships were strikingly evident.
The Community sends their special thanks to all
who have prayed and supported them over the last
five years. They assure everyone that their work
is touching many around them and ask that you
continue to pray for them and their supporters.
Come Lord Jesus!
Andre Codouni is a member of the People of God
community in Beirut, Lebanon.
Landscape watercolor by (c) David
source: Sword
of the Spirit