August / September 2017 - Vol. 93
.Sherry Snyder speaks at
                                        40th anniversary
40th Anniversary Celebration for Three Members of Bethany Association
“The Lord has never failed to show us His love and mercy as He’s accompanied us along the way”

It has been a great joy and blessing for us – Sue Cummins, Jeanne Kun, and Sherry Snyder – to celebrate the 40th anniversary of our lifelong commitments to live single for the Lord with many of our friends and brothers and sisters in the Sword of the Spirit.

In 1971 each of us made an individual “initial (youthful) decision” to live single for the Lord, and over the next few years we frequently met – along with several other women – to share and seek the Lord together about how we might live out our desires. Thus it was that in 1975 we established a sisterhood, living a common life together. In the summer of 1977 the three of us, as well as Sr. Dorcee Clarey, made our lifelong commitments to live single for the Lord.

Sherry, Jeanne, and Sue 40th
                            anniversary living single for the Lord

By the grace of God, we are still gladly and faithfully living out the commitments that we made forty years ago. Any sorrows we experienced (and there were some deep ones!) during the past years have been greatly overshadowed and brightened by the countless joys and blessings we have known – the Lord has indeed never failed to show us His love and mercy as He’s accompanied us all along the way.

We also want to take the opportunity now to thank all who have encouraged and supported us over the years. We are grateful to the Servants of the Word for the love, prayers, and brotherly support that they have given to us. Some of them we have known for almost fifty years now while others are newer brothers to us, but each have helped sustain us by the witness of their life and singlehearted dedication to the Lord.
Steve Clark and
                          Sherry Snyder at 40th Anniversary Celebration

Here we would like to share with you a portion of our Statement of Ideal from our “original” sisterhood covenant that is now in our Bethany Association Charter. This statement expresses well what it is that we are about in living single for the Lord:
We want to actively search for and seek out God in the entirety of our lives, embracing a way of life in which everything that separates us from him is diminished and all that brings us nearer to him is cherished and integrated into our lives, carrying us towards him. We want to let go of ourselves and be drawn to God alone. Therefore, we choose a way of life in which we give up marriage and bearing children – holy and valued Things – as a freewill offering of love to God. We choose to take up a life of prayer, service, and simplicity. We choose all this in order to give ourselves to God as freely as possible; to offer our attention, love, and devotion, to him as fully as possible; and to exist for his pleasure and praise. We want to live with undivided hearts and undivided devotion to the Lord (1 Corinthians 7:34-35).
Sue, Jeanne, and Sherry celebrate 40th
                            anniversary living single for the Lordmusicians at 40th
                            anniversary celebration

We are deeply grateful for the calling that we share together in Bethany Association and the Sword of the Spirit.
In Christ,
Sue Cummins
Jeanne Kun
Sherry Snyder

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