2013 - Vol. 69
Are Those...”
By Jeanne Kun
collection of psalms found in Scripture, composed as it was under the divine
inspiration, has from the very beginnings of the Church shown a wonderful
power to foster devotion among Christians.
Pope St. Pius X
The Book of Psalms
is a collection of sacred songs reflecting the prayers, praises, longings,
laments, and aspirations that have moved the hearts of Jews and Christians
in their communion with God for centuries. The collection grew by slow
stages, over a period of at least six hundred years of ancient Israel’s
history, and when it was “closed,” the final form consisted of 150 psalms,
as it does today. The psalm deliberately placed at the beginning of the
collection serves as a “gateway,” or preface, to the entire Book of Psalms.
In fact, Psalm 1 may have been specifically composed for that purpose,
to guide readers into the path that leads to a truly blessed and happy
Many psalms—among
them, 1, 19, 37, 49, 78, 112, 119, 127, and 128—share the stylistic features
and themes of the Wisdom literature of the Old Testament, which includes
the books of Job, Proverbs, Song of Songs, Wisdom, Ecclesiastes, and Sirach.
Wisdom literature frequently contrasts the virtues of the “righteous” (the
just or good) and the vices of the “wicked” (the unjust or evil). It also
extols the excellence of the divine “law of the Lord”—torah, in
Hebrew—and the benefits derived from adhering to it. Characteristically,
its subject matter is instructive in tone and its composition formal.
It’s notable
that Psalm 1 opens with the expression “Happy (or blessed) are those,”
words that are found at least twenty-five more times throughout the psalms.
These words are a beatitude that points to what a person needs to avoid
as well as do in order to find happiness. The psalm’s first verse anticipates
Jesus’ beatitudes (Matthew 5:1-11), which describe the “blessed” who belong
to the Kingdom of heaven and also serve as a preface to his entire Sermon
on the Mount (5:1–7:29).
As a reflection
on blessedness and righteousness, Psalm 1 is addressed to the reader
rather than to God. Two ways are sharply contrasted: the path of the righteous
who delight in keeping the law of the Lord and prosper and the path of
the wicked who perish.
Let’s take our cue
from Psalm 1, the gateway to the whole Book of Psalms, and meditate on
the law of the Lord day and night. |
The law of
the Lord includes not only God’s commandments but his “revelation,” that
is, the record of his acts of love to the people of Israel and the promises
that he has communicated to them. Following the law is not burdensome but
rather brings to those who keep it joy and delight (verses 1-2). Those
who are righteous recognize the torah as the standard by which they are
to live. Psalm 119, perhaps the best known of the Wisdom psalms, beautifully
illustrates with the force of repetition this theme introduced in Psalm

They who are
“happy” are compared to a tree, a symbol of prosperity and well-being.
With roots reaching to streams of water, it flourishes and bears “fruit
in season” (Psalm 1:3). Most likely, this fruit means wisdom gained by
good living and used for the benefit of others. Centuries later, Jesus
used a similar illustration: “No good tree bears bad fruit, nor again does
a bad tree bear good fruit; for each tree is known by its own fruit” (Luke
The latter
half of Psalm 1 describes the fate of those who ignore God’s revelation
and reject his love: The “wicked” are like “chaff that the wind drives
away” (verse 4). In ancient Israel the winnowing process was used to thresh
out grain. First, the stalks of wheat were trod underfoot by oxen or people;
then, this straw was thrown in the air over the threshing floor, which
was usually a breezy mound. The heads of grain, loosened by the treading,
fell to the floor and were gathered in, while the light, useless chaff
was blown away by the wind. The psalmist’s vivid imagery warns us against
such a fate!
Let’s take
our cue from Psalm 1, the gateway to the whole Book of Psalms, and meditate
on the law of the Lord day and night (verse 2), pondering God’s revelation
and instructions to us. As Cistercian monk and scholar M. Basil Pennington,
OCSO, pointed out, “It is with the rich promise of the first Psalm, ‘Blessed
Are They,’ that we enter the Psalter, knowing that the time we spend with
it—be it during the quiet of the night or the pauses in the midst of the
labors of the day—will be among the most fruitful of our lives.” (Psalms:
A Spiritual Commentary)
And as we read,
pray, and reflect on the psalms that lie before us in this study, may we
come to treasure the great riches we discover there!
the Spotlight
The Poetic Artistry
of the Hebrew Psalms
psalms are poems, but some of the original qualities of Hebrew poetry are
not apparent when translated into other languages. For example, a technique
of Hebrew poetry favored in the Wisdom literature and Wisdom psalms is
the “acrostic” or alphabetical construction in which successive verses
or groups of verses (stanzas or strophes) begin with the twenty-two successive
letters of the Hebrew alphabet. This technique is highly developed in Psalm
119 and in the Book of Lamentations. Other examples of psalms that employ
an acrostic structure are 9, 25, 34, 37, 111, and 145.
is another dominant aspect of the beauty and nature of Hebrew poetry—and
fortunately, parallelism comes through strongly even in translation and
can be appreciated in any language. In this technique, the content of one
line of the psalm is parallel to—that is, corresponds to—the content of
another. (The verse-unit of two phrases is called a distich, and a unit
of three lines is a tristich.)
the parallelism balances the same thought in a comparison that is highlighted
by the repetition of the thought, as in the following examples from Psalm
and majesty are before him;
and beauty are in his sanctuary.
to the LORD, O families of the peoples,
to the LORD glory and strength.
to the LORD the glory due his name.
balance may also be seen in a contrast of ideas or in two opposite thoughts:
“in the morning [grass] flourishes and is renewed; / in the evening it
fades and withers (Psalm 90:6).
you read the psalms throughout the course of this study, be alert to their
wording and structure and you will grow in your appreciation of their artistry
as Hebrew poems.
the Spotlight
A Psalm Is Delightful
to Our Soul
All the books of Scripture, both Old Testament and New, are inspired
by God and useful for instruction, as the apostle says (2 Timothy 3:16),
but to those who really study it, the Psalter yields special treasure.
. . . For I think that in the words of this book, all human life is covered,
with all its states and thoughts, and that nothing further can be found
in man. For no matter what you seek, whether it be repentance and confession,
or help in trouble and temptation or under persecution, whether you have
been set free from plots and shares or, on the contrary, are sad for any
reason, or whether, seeing yourself progressing and your enemy cast down,
you want to praise and thank and bless the Lord, each of these things the
divine psalms show you how to do, and in every case the words you want
are written down for you, and you can say them as your own.
—St. Athanasius of Alexandria
In the same way that food is tasty, a psalm is delightful to the soul.
It also needs to be chewed. If you swallow a psalm hastily in one gulp,
you will miss the sweet taste. “They are sweeter than honey, than honey
from the comb” (Psalm 19:10). Devotion can drip from the words of a psalm.
“I will pray with my spirit, but I will also pray with my mind. I will
sing with my spirit, but I will also sing with my mind” (1 Corinthians
14:15). Attentive devotion is imperative. It is not possible that those
who are pleased with our earthly prayers will ignore us in heaven.
—St. Bernard of Clairvaux
from The
Psalms: Gateway to Prayer, by Jeanne Kun (Copyright © 2013 by
The Word Among Us Press). Used with permission. This book can be purchased
from The Word
Among Us Press.
Kun is President of Bethany
Association and a senior woman leader in the Word
of Life Community, Ann Arbor, Michigan, USA.
> See
other articles by Jeanne Kun
at top: by Kevin Carden |
Psalm 1:1-6
1 Happy
are those
who do not follow the advice of the wicked,
take the path that sinners tread,
or sit in the seat of scoffers;
but their delight is in the law of the LORD,
and on his law they meditate day and night.
They are like trees
planted by streams of water,
yield their fruit in its season,
and their leaves do not wither.
all that they do, they prosper.
The wicked are not so,
but are like chaff that the wind drives away.
Therefore the wicked will not stand in the
nor sinners in the congregation of the ....righteous;
for the LORD watches over the way of the ....righteous,
but the way of the wicked will perish.
Psalm 119:1-8
1 Happy
are those whose way is blameless,
who walk in the law of the LORD.
Happy are those who keep his decrees,
who seek him with their whole heart,
who also do no wrong,
but walk in his ways.
You have commanded your precepts
to be kept diligently.
O that my ways may be steadfast
in keeping your statutes!
Then I shall not be put to shame,
having my eyes fixed on all your ....commandments.
I will praise you with an upright heart,
when I learn your righteous ordinances.
I will observe your statutes;
do not utterly forsake me.
the Spotlight
Psalm 119, a Launching-Pad
for Prayer
119 is the longest of the psalms. Its 176 verses are divided into twenty-two
strophes or stanzas of eight verses each. Each strophe begins with a successive
letter of the Hebrew alphabet (which consists of twenty-two letters, from
Aleph to Tau), and the first word of each of strophe’s eight verses begins
with this same letter. Through continual repetition, the entire psalm highlights
one theme: being rooted and anchored in the torah—God’s revelation, instructions,
promises, words, and covenant.
of this psalm [119] is a good test of one’s understanding of the psalms
as prayers. From the literary point of view, it does not reach a high level.
It is monotonous, repetitious. . . . In short, the style is pedestrian,
the construction mechanical, the thought-content unoriginal and meager.
yet, rightly considered as a religious text, this is a great composition.
It is intended to be a foundation or starting-point for personal prayer.
In this it corresponds somewhat to the Rosary, and its ABC has the function
of our “beads.” Deliberately, the same simple ideas and aspirations are
repeated over and over, to help the mind of the one reciting it to concentrate
on one thought, and to rouse his heart to aspirations of love. Individual
verses, with their simple affirmation or urgent appeals, are not meant
to be intellectually analyzed and studied (though, as a matter of fact,
in their very simplicity they are rich in implications, and a whole theology
could be constructed from this psalm). The author . . . undertook to build
a launching-pad, from which the devout soul might soar to loving contemplation
of the unthinkable goodness of God. He knew what he meant to do, and he
did it well.
MacKenzie, SJ
What negative practices do those who are “happy”—that is, the blessed righteous—avoid
in Psalm 1:1? What positive actions and attitudes identify a just person?
Note the verbs in the opening verse of Psalm 1. Describe in your own words
how these verbs illustrate successive stages in moving away from the right
Read Jeremiah 17:7-8 and compare the prophet’s description with that of
the psalmist in Psalm 1:3. What additional insights do you gain from Jeremiah?
What can you learn from this image drawn from nature?
What does Psalm 1 indicate about the condition and lot of those who do
not follow God’s way? What consequences do the “wicked” face?
What nouns does the psalmist use in Psalm 119:1-8 to variously describe
God’s law? How do these synonyms expand your understanding of torah? What
phrases describe the psalmist’s attitude and response to God’s law? In
your opinion, is the technique of repetition effective in Psalm 119? Explain
your answer.
Whom do you associate with? Whom or what do you listen to? What do you
look at? What choices are you frequently confronted with in your daily
life? Recall an instance when you chose to act righteously in the face
of temptation to go the “way of the wicked.” In what way(s) did you experience
the “happiness” of those who follow God’s law?
How often do you take time to meditate on the “law of the LORD” (Psalm
1:2)? What value do you find in this practice? What might you do to make
reading and meditating on Scripture a more meaningful part of your life?
Do you think your life corresponds to the psalmist’s image of a tree planted
by streams of water (Psalm 1:3)? Why or why not? What fruits are you bearing?
How are others benefiting from this fruit?
What personal message does Psalm 1 hold for you? How can you put this message
into practice in your life?
Read Psalm 119:1-8 and ponder a few of the phrases found in it that describe
God’s law and our relationship to it. What is your response to this psalm?
Do you “delight” in God’s law or do you experience following God’s ways
as a burden that weighs you down? Explain your answer.
Reflect on Psalm 1 as the gateway and preface to the Book of Psalms. What
do these descriptions tell you about the role and importance of this psalm?
About the significance of the whole Book of Psalms? Keep these ideas in
mind as you read and pray the psalms in this study guide.
Reflect on the following Scripture passages that encourage us to walk in
the way of the Lord and the path of the just:
summoned all Israel and said to them: . . . See, I have set before you
today life and prosperity, death and adversity. If you obey the commandments
of the LORD your God that I am commanding you today, by loving the LORD
your God, walking in his ways, and observing his commandments, decrees,
and ordinances, then you shall live and become numerous, and the LORD your
God will bless you in the land that you are entering to possess. But if
your heart turns away and you do not hear, but are led astray to bow down
to other gods and serve them, I declare to you today that you shall perish;
you shall not live long in the land that you are crossing the Jordan to
enter and possess. I call heaven and earth to witness against you today
that I have set before you life and death, blessings and curses. Choose
life so that you and your descendants may live, loving the LORD your God,
obeying him, and holding fast to him; for that means life to you and length
of days, so that you may live in the land that the LORD swore to give to
your ancestors, to Abraham, to Isaac, and to Jacob. (Deuteronomy 29:2;
not enter the path of the wicked,
and do not walk in the way of evildoers.
it; do not go on it;
turn away from it and pass on.
they cannot sleep unless they have done ...wrong;
they are robbed of sleep unless they have ...made
someone stumble.
they eat the bread of wickedness
and drink the wine of violence.
the path of the righteous is like the light of ....dawn,
which shines brighter and brighter until full
way of the wicked is like deep darkness;
they do not know what they stumble over. (Proverbs 4:14-19)
fear of the Lord is glory and exultation,
gladness and a crown of rejoicing.
fear of the Lord delights the heart,
gives gladness and joy and long life.
who fear the Lord will have a happy end;
the day of their death they will be blessed. (Sirach 1:11-13)
psalms is an ancient Christian custom. When we commit something to memory,
we know it “by heart.” Thus, we can spontaneously pray psalms that we have
memorized as occasions and the events and needs of daily life move us,
even when we don’t have a Bible or psalter at hand. As Rev. Ben Patterson
Memorize the
Psalms—but not by rote. Rather, learn them by heart; make their words your
words. Come to understand them so well you can recite them—by inflection
and tone—as though you had written them yourself. This is, by far, the
best way I know to learn to pray the Psalms. I can think of no more powerful
way to allow the Word of God to change who you are and how you think. Over
the years I have been grateful for every line of Scripture I have committed
to memory, but the prayers of the Psalms have offered incomparable comfort
and clarity in desperate, murky, and confusing situations, when I didn’t
have a worthwhile word of my own to say—when I quite literally didn’t have
a prayer. (God's Prayer Book)
Choose a psalm,
perhaps your favorite or one that speaks to a current need, and memorize
it. During the coming week, pray this psalm from memory frequently so that
its words truly become your own. |