A Time of Perpetual Pentecost
by Michelle Moran,
Catholic Charismatic Renewal Services
will pour out my Spirit in
abundance, generously,
lavishly, and continually’ |
Like all children for me Christmas was
such a wonderful occasion of family
togetherness, delicious food and a variety
of surprises. However, with the onset of
my teenage years the excitement quickly
subsided and I learned to tame my
expectations. In reality, these ‘red
letter’ days pass very quickly. Indeed,
sometimes the anticipation surpasses the
actual celebration.
The Golden Jubilee of the Catholic
Charismatic Renewal (CCR) is the
culmination, for many of us, of an intense
period of preparation at local, national
and international levels. It is however
important that we do not view this as a
mere celebration. Otherwise, the
anniversary will come and go and then,
with the passing of time, it will be no
more than a distant memory.
The 50th anniversary of CCR marks the
crossing of an important threshold. In one
sense, it marks the drawing to a close of
a particular season of the Spirit. The
time when we saw the Holy Spirit at work
in the Church bringing forth renewal and
giving birth to many new things. This was
in the slipstream of the second Vatican
Reading the testimonies of those who were
present at the Duquesne weekend and of
other pioneers in the Renewal, I was
struck by how many of them came from ‘good
Catholic’ families and already had a
residual faith. Thus when the fire of the
Holy Spirit descended, their lives were
quickly ignited and their faith came
alive. When they were ‘clothed with power
from on high’ they began to eagerly
embrace the new things of the Spirit and
spontaneously move in the charisms.Their
experience was in many ways beyond their
understanding. Thankfully, their openness
and youthful enthusiasm enabled the fire
of the Holy Spirit to spread throughout
the world.
Today we live in a very different time in
the Church and the world. In many
societies, particularly in the West, there
has been a surge of secular humanism.
Christianity is under threat and various
forms of persecution are becoming more
commonplace. Alongside this there is an
increasing apathy. St. John Paul II
referred to this as a ‘silent apostasy
where people have all that they need and
who live as if God did not exist.’
‘Share with
all in the Church the grace of
baptism in the Holy Spirit.’
- Pope
In this context, I sense that our Golden
Jubilee marks a gradual progression from
the Pentecost event in Acts 2:1-16 to Acts
4:23-31, where we see the Church under
persecution. At Pentecost the Holy Spirit
was poured out on the entire assembly in
the Upper Room as a grace for conversion
and mission. Certainly we still need this
today. Indeed, Pope Francis has encouraged
us to ‘share with all in the Church the
grace of baptism in the Holy Spirit.’
A prophetic
consultation to prepare for the
Golden Jubilee
In preparation for the Jubilee, in November
2013, ICCRS held a prophetic consultation in
the Holy Land gathering together 160
international leaders. The aim was to listen
together to the Lord for his word as we
approached the Jubilee. During our pilgrimage
day in Jerusalem, we gathered in the Upper
Room and were privileged to experience
together an unforgettable prayer meeting.
There were many prophetic words. However,
the final word that we heard [given by
Bruce Yocum] has stayed with me. The Lord
‘I have poured out my Spirit
abundantly, and I will continue to
pour it out. I will pour out my Spirit
generously, lavishly, continuously,
until even the hardened hearts are
softened and the wasteland becomes
fertile. This I promise, that I shall
pour out my Spirit continuously until
I bring about, through my Spirit, that
renewal that I intend.’1
After this word we left the Upper Room
and spilled out into the streets of
Jerusalem. I have continued to reflect
upon why this was the last word that we
heard before moving out. I sense that the
Lord was giving us a confirmation that the
Holy Spirit continues to be poured out.
We live in a time of the perpetual
Pentecost. Therefore, we who have received
this new life have a responsibility and a
mission to spread the grace of Pentecost
far and wide, indeed to the ends of the
Certainly in today’s spiritual climate
the ground is more arid and perhaps not so
well prepared or fertile as it was in
1967. The world faces a myriad of complex
challenges and the Church is increasingly
undergoing persecution. In the midst of
all this spiritual battle, we all need a
new outpouring of the Holy Spirit to bring
strength and courage enabling us to
proclaim the truth with boldness. This is
urgently required because the father of
lies is increasingly busy spreading words
of falsehood leading to relativism and
practical agnosticism. This manifests
itself in religious indifference, a lack
of hope and a loss of direction.
We should be
expectant that in this new
season of the Spirit there will
be an increase in faith for
healing and miracles.
Our clear proclamation also needs to be
accompanied by a demonstration of the
Spirit. People today need more than words:
they need to see that God is alive and
active. Therefore we should be expectant
that in this new season of the Spirit
there will be an increase in faith for
healing and miracles. We need to pray and
be expectant that these charisms would be
more fully manifest in the body of all
believers and not just in the few who
regularly exercise these charisms. In Acts
4 when they prayed there was a new
empowerment of the Holy Spirit and they
were ALL filled with a new boldness.
We want our Jubilee to be more than a
celebration and a good party. We need a
new outpouring. Pope Francis sees the
Jubilee as an opportunity for all those
who share in the ecumenical current of
grace to come together and pray for a new
Pentecost. So let’s be ready for the
surprises of the Spirit and prepare for a
mighty new outpouring of the Holy Spirit
beyond anything we have currently seen or
could even imagine.
Footnote 1
For a fuller description of the
Prophetic Consultation held in
Bethlehem, November 14-18, 2013 and on
the final day together in the Upper
Room (Cenacle) in Jerusalem where the
Spirit was first poured out on the
infant church, see report in Pentecost
Today, Spring
Issue 2014, Volume 39 Number 1,
pages 4-5.
This article was first
published in Pentecost Today, Special
Golden Jubilee Issue,
Winter 2017, Volume 42 Number 1.
Used with permission.
Michelle Moran, together
with her husband Peter, is a
founding member of Sion
Catholic Community for Evangelism,
located in Brentwood, England. She
originally trained as a teacher and
taught in a College for 5 years
before ministering full time in Sion
Community. Michelle is currently President of ICCRS,
the International Council for
Catholic Charismatic Renewal
Services [center located in
Rome] and Chair
of the National Service Committee
for Catholic Charismatic Renewal in
England and Wales. In 2007 she was
appointed by Pope Benedict XVI to be
a member of the Pontifical Council
of the Laity.