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April / May 2017 - Vol. 91
PDF Archives April 4 update
The Sword of the Spirit
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april cover of Jesus on
Jesus Christ is Lord
  “At the name of Jesus every knee should bow and every tongue confess that Jesus Christ is Lord’” – Philippians 2:10

Intro to This Issue: I Will Pour Out My Spirit Generously, Lavishly, and Continually
Jesus Is Lord, by Carlos Mantica, and The Empowered Christian Life, by J.I. Packer
Joy in the Midst of Suffering: Our New Birth Through Christ's Resurrection Fills Us with Hope, by Daniel Keating
The Number One Grace of Pentecost: Empowered Life in Community, by Bob Tedesco
Spiritual Gifts - Manifestations of God’s Presence and Power for Christian Communities Today, by Steve Clark  
              image 2 of Holy Spirit
A Time of Perpetual Pentecost, by Michelle Moran, and The Beginnings of Life in the Spirit Seminars, by Steve Clark
Jesus Is Lord: Impact of the Kansas City Ecumenical Charismatic Renewal Conference 1977, by Kevin Ranaghan
A New Heart and Call to Ecumenism and Building Communities, by Dorothy Ranaghan
A Second Baptism in the Holy Spirit, by Raniero Cantalamessa, and Establishing an Int'l Renewal Office, by Ralph Martin
              4image of india mission trip A Life-changing Encounter Through Life in the Spirit Seminars, and Covenant Community in New Zealand, by Maryanne Hall
Rebuilding Walls and Widening Our Dwellings: An Update Report from Emmanuel Community in Aleppo, by Andre Coudini
Wonderfully Made, by Maggie Schmidt, and Heritage - Kairos Weekend in Europe 2017, by Nate Morrow
Outside My Comfort Zone,
and Strength in Sincerity, by Stephen Giles
box 3
              image of people  Intro to 500th Reformation Anniversary, and Justification: A Summary of Lutheran-Catholic Dialogue and Joint Agreement
Faith is not Opposed to Love: Clarification on “By Faith Alone” by Benedict XVI, & Joint Statement on the Gift of Salvation
The Spiritual Meaning of Fasting, by Carlos Alonso Vargas, and Joy and Happiness Are an Inside Job, by Tom Caballes  
The Pig in London and the Lamb in Israel, by Sam Williamson 
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              of sunset
•  A Feast of Spiritual Readings for Holy Week, Easter Season, and Pentecost
The Habit of Perfection, A poem by Gerard Manly Hopkins, and Meeting On the High Road, A poem by Sean O'Neill
Living Bulwark is committed to fostering renewal of the whole Christian people: Catholic, Protestant, and Orthodox. We especially want to give witness to the charismatic, ecumenical, evangelistic, and community dimensions of that renewal. Living Bulwark seeks to equip Christians to grow in holiness, to apply Christian teaching to their lives, and to respond with faith and generosity to the working of the Holy Spirit in our day.


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