The Glory of Who
We Are
by Sandy Cahalan
When I think of temples,
I think of grand, sweeping
cathedrals - large buildings
cutting into the city skyline or the
countryside, their bells ringing out
songs as beautiful as the structure.
Images of St. Peter's Basilica in Rome,
Westminster Abbey in London, even Heinz
Chapel at my alma mater race through my
mind. I can see the massive pillars,
intricately carved stone, and elegant
woodwork. I can feel the warmth of the
sun on my face as it peeks through
stained glass windows, illuminating
sanctuaries with light and color. These
holy places were constructed to hold the
presence of the Lord, to draw people
into the beauty of Him who created the
heavens and earth. Reading chapters
37-39 of Exodus demonstrates the amount
of detail put into constructing the Ark
of the Covenant and the tabernacle, in
which the presence of God resided.
In contrast, I look at myself, 22
years old. Blonde hair. Blue eyes.
Nails picked over in creeping anxiety.
Way too clumsy, oftentimes too loud.
My speech could use a stronger filter
and my actions hurt those around me
more often that I would like. This
list could go on for ages, but they
point to one conclusion: I am nothing
like these marvelous buildings.
And yet the presence of the Lord
almighty dwells within me. I
am a temple of the Holy Spirit.
The God of the universe for whom those
magnificent buildings were constructed
chose to reside in imperfect me. The
Creator to whom cascading mountains,
rolling rivers, and a seemingly
endless night sky point, loves me and
chose me before I even existed. His
incarnation, death and resurrection
broke the barrier between creation and
the Creator. Through His humility I am
His beloved, chosen daughter. He chose
me, in my faults and failures, to live
within; to strengthen; to restore. How
easy it is to let my shortcomings
define me. I need to remind myself,
multiple times a day, to change my
perspective and see myself for who I
truly am: created in His image and
chosen for His glory. Oh, that we
would never forget the glory of whom
we are in Christ.
Sisters, the Lord has chosen us. He
has seen us at our worst and He still
chooses to dwell within us. He chose
us over any other part of creation,
over any grandiose cathedral ever
constructed by man. Let that sink in
for a second because it's a pretty big
My prayer is that we would be
emboldened by this truth. Emboldened
to open up to more of His presence, to
recognize our worth and value in Him.
Strengthened to make changes in our
lives that reflect the Spirit within
us. May our lives be an invitation to
a world that so desperately needs it
as we proclaim through our words and
"I am beloved. I am
chosen. I am a temple.
Come and see, for the
One who has chosen me has also
chosen you."

Sandy can currently be found in College
Park, Maryland, USA, where she
is serving on a mission year with University
Christian Outreach. She was born
and raised in the suburbs of Pittsburgh,
Pennsylvania and is a recent graduate of
the University of Pittsburgh. Some of
her favorites include: Penguins hockey,
real penguins, listening to records,
warm hugs, warm drinks, crossword
puzzles, and puns. She loves finding
adventures, both big and small, in daily
life, and in her own words, "Following
Christ is the grandest and most
worthwhile adventure I've chosen."
article by Sandy first appeared in The Lovely Commission,
a new publishing venture and brand
of Kairos
North America. It is is run by
Molly Kilpatrick and Mary Rose Giles
and a team of contributors from
various Christian communities in
North America and beyond. Together
they are working to build a culture
of radical love, femininity, modesty
of heart, mind, and body amongst
young women.
aim is to inspire and equip young
women to embrace and promote a culture
of Godly femininity in which we live
out our rich identity as daughters of
God and disciples of Jesus Christ.