April / May 2015 - Vol. 79
kairos EME

Power for Mission

Members from Kairos in Europe and the Middle East gathered for a
powerful weekend retreat in Belgium February 2015

"God is alive and wants to work
through His people today"

by Greg Potter

Greg PotterA highly anticipated event this academic year was the Kairos Weekend. Students from across Europe and the Middle East gathered in Belgium in February for a time of prayer and fellowship. "Power for Mission" was the theme of the weekend; being warriors for Christ and being prepared to stand up and answer his call in a time which is so opposed to any kind of faith.

Jean Barbara, President of the Sword of the Spirit, led the sessions and told some amazing stories - including miracles such as people being raised from the dead and limbs growing.

The talks stressed that God is alive and wants to work through his people today. We saw for ourselves as God worked in power when we prayed for the gifts of prophecy and healing. During the day on Saturday we split into separate sessions for men and for women so we could pray with one another for an outpouring of the gifts of the Spirit.

The crescendo for the weekend was the prayer meeting on the Saturday evening. Healings took place and prophecies were given in several hours of prayer and worship.  Being on the worship team it was so inspiring to look out at a room full of people engrossed in worship, and despite growing up in a Christian environment, I have rarely felt the Holy Spirit so tangibly and powerfully.

On the Sunday we had a session in which we split into our university outreach groups. We discussed areas in which we could improve and other groups prayed that God would really use Koinonia. I personally took a great deal of encouragement from the weekend and look forward to putting it into practice back in our Koinonia student outreach at the University of London.

Greg Potter currently attends the London Oratory. He has been a member of Koinonia for over a year.

Spiritual Warriors

by Joelle Mok

J Mok‘Power for Mission!’ read the sign at the front of the stage. I sat in the audience on the first day of the Kairos Weekend in Leuven, Belgium, watching as the three emcees repeat this phrase, which was this year’s theme. This didn’t mean much to me at that point. Going to the weekend, I wasn’t mentally prepared, and I certainly didn’t feel powerful in any spiritual mission.

But as the weekend progressed, I started to understand what these simple three words meant. I was pushed out of my comfort zone, doing things I never thought I’d do, or have the chance to do. Prophesying, speaking in tongues, praying over not only my peers, but spiritual ‘warriors’ who were much older than me – these were things that brought my relationship with God to a whole different level. I understood how God speaks in small, simple ways, and how His words not only impact me, but those around me as well. I saw the true meaning of community, and how real God’s presence could be, just like in Matthew 18:20: ‘For when two or more are gathered in (God’s) name, there (God is) among them’ .

As I was exposed to the different gifts of the Holy Spirit, searching within myself and asking God to give me strength, I realized what was making me feel spiritually powerless. It was my fear, my hesitations, my reluctance to simply ask God to grant me the strength and courage that I needed.  I gradually learnt to overcome those fears and hesitations, and felt empowered to carry out God’s mission for me, with an overwhelming sense of inner peace and joy. For me, this whole weekend and experience was indeed challenging, but at the same time, fun, enriching and spiritually rejuvenating.

Joelle Mok studies Speech Therapy at UCL and has been a key member of Koinonia for the last few years.

 (c) copyright 2015  The Sword of the Spirit
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email: living.bulwark@yahoo.com