2009 - Vol. 29

UCO students enjoying a time
of games with children in Agua Prieta, Mexico
to be a Servant
on a spring break mission trip to Naco and Agua Prieta, Mexico
Ashley Martin
A dozen students
from University Christian Outreach
at the University of Michigan in Ann Arbor, Michigan USA spent their spring
break between February 21 and March 1, 2009 on a mission trip to Agua Prieta,
Mexico. Ashley Martin shares her experience.
After waiting
for what felt like forever, we were finally on our way to Mexico. Having
never been out of the country, (besides Canada, which is right on the border
with Michigan) I couldn't contain my excitement, so much so that had I
started practicing my Spanish weeks before the trip at any chance I would
get, speaking with Hispanics in University Christian Outreach, translating
things in my own mind, or even speaking with people who didn't speak Spanish
at all. I was ecstatic and felt myself prepared for the trip... or so I
I distinctly
remember crossing the border, getting through as if it was just another
green light in America. They didn't ask for our passports, they didn't
search our car, and the most surprising thing was that I don't even remember
seeing anyone like a border guard there! As much as I was thankful for
that, I was definitely shocked, expecting a lot more of a hassle than just
driving straight across the border. But this definitely wasn't the only
surprising thing. I couldn't believe the difference in the change of scenery
within only ten yards! On the American side of the border there was
a Wal-Mart and a McDonalds, and we were driving along a four-lane road.
It was completely the opposite in Mexico. There were tiny buildings and
houses (probably about the size of my dorm room), trash, dogs roaming the
streets (some with only 3 legs), and most of the time dirt roads barely
big enough for two cars. The biggest thing that shocked me, though, wasn’t
so much the scenery, but the children. There were so many little ones walking
along the street by themselves, with what seemed like no parents in sight,
and even sometimes as it was getting dark. From what I had known growning
up in the USA, that was way too dangerous, but in Mexico, the children
seemed to have so much more responsibility and independence from a very
young age.

UCO students on top of the house
they built in Naco, Mexico
As the trip
went on, I was continually shocked by the poverty in the area that we were
in (Agua Prieta), but more shocked by how welcoming and hospitable the
people were. At one point, I was given the opportunity to deliver hand-knit
sweaters to children in the neighborhood we were working in. We just walked
around, knocked on doors, and told them (in Spanish) that we had free sweaters
to give to their children. They responded by saying, “Sure!” or even, “Come
in!” and let us talk to their kids and hang out in their house as if we
were close friends. The same thing happened in the neighborhood elementary
school where the principal just let us walk into the classrooms and hand
out sweaters.
This experience
of joy and love was just one of the many that was life-changing and unforgettable.
I will never forget the children who I had never met before, but who came
running up to me and jumped on me to give me a huge bear hug. I will never
forget being sick for two days, but having almost all of the girls
I had been spending time with ask me if they could make me food, get me
water, or get me medicine. I will never forget the abandoned house that
I walked into with no windows, dirt and trash everywhere on the floor,
and walls falling apart, but with a colorful and ornate picture of Jesus
on the wall. I will never forget how much physical pain and soreness we
felt helping rebuild a house, mixing cement, digging out the floor, and
making mortar, and then seeing the four year old boy from the family we
were staying with helping carry bricks which seemed like half his size
from the back of a truck to a pile about 10 feet away. I will never forget
the family who hosted us for a Mexican dinner one night, the dance party
that we helped host, and a guy from our group dancing with the grandmother
who cooked the food for us.
Among all of
the things I learned and all of the ways I grew on the week-long trip,
there is one thing that I think is the most important: learning how to
become a servant. Being in college now, with 1,000 things to remember and
2,000 places to be at once, it is very easy to become too focused on myself,
but going on this trip and experiencing the fulfillment and joy that comes
from completely giving my life to others, I am forever grateful.
I now know that it is possible to change the world. It starts with simply
serving one family. |
blessed us and worked through us in many ways on that trip. We were able
to build two rooms of a house for a poor family, paint two classrooms at
a school, and hand out clothes and basic supplies to families. We were
also able to help out at two orphanages and played with the orphans for
hours nearly every day. We learned and saw things that really put
things in perspective and made us appreciate the life that God has given
us. It was an experience that I will never forget and I am blessed
to have had the opportunity to go.”
– Charlie, EMU, Sophomore

Norton, mission team member with
of the orphans she worked with in Mexico
in Mexico was a time of faith and affirmation. Faith because it required
going beyond what I was comfortable with in some ways: not knowing Spanish
or how to build anything, let alone a house! And affirmation because God
blessed the work there, despite, or perhaps because, of our individual
weaknesses. The love of God was made clear through submission to his will.
And by being willing to be weak, our energy under his direction was useable,
and paradoxically more powerful. I was priviledged to be part of a group
of people who allowed themselves to be used for a purpose so much bigger
than their resources that the only explanation for any success at all was
that God met us there and was present in our work.”
– Amy, U of M Junior

Martin is a
of Michigan Freshman